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The same as for any other three dimensional rectangular object: Length X Width X Depth.

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Q: How would you find the volume of a matchbox?
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What is used to measure volume of a match box?

Cubic millimetres.

What is a matchbox?

A matchbox is a box that is made to store matches. A Matchbox car is a car that, when invented, was so small it would fit into a matchbox. Matchbox 20 got their name from the fact that most matchboxes come with 20 matches.

How can you find rotational symmetry in a matchbox?

A matchbox is rectangular in shape. A rectangle has 2 lines of rotational symmetery. So, a matchbox has 2 lines of rotational symmetry.

Were do you get Matchbox cars?

The current Mattel Matchbox cars can be found at any toy store. I even see them in most major supermarkets' toy aisle. If you're looking for the original Lesney Matchbox cars, I would suggest eBay. I've yet to find one source that consistantly has Lesney Matchbox cars in good condition for sale at reasonable prices.

Where can I find information about the latest matchbox cars and accessories?

Matchbox cars are still being produced to this very day. They have been extended into a range of Dino, Arctic and even Batman tracks and accessories to pair with your matchbox cars.

What if the muppets meet matchbox twenty?

that would be good

How do you find the volume of an object when the mass is 55.26 and the dencity is 103.27?

To find the volume of an object, you can use the formula: Volume = Mass / Density. In this case, to find the volume, you would divide the mass (55.26) by the density (103.27) which would give you the volume of the object.

Where can one find the lyrics for the song Unwell by Matchbox 20?

One can find the lyrics to the song Unwell by Matchbox 20 by just searching the the song he or she desires to know the lyrics. The person can just scroll down the page until they find the answer.

How would you find the volume of a pool in gallons?

Length times width times height is how you would normally find the volume of a shape.

What volume number of the encyclopedia would you look at to find the topic on antennas?

the volume of the encyclopedia where you can find the topic antennas is volume 9.

Would britney spears perform a song with the band matchbox twenty?

yes she would

Are collectors more interested in Matchbox or Hot Wheels?

Matchbox cars started in 1953 and Hot Wheels started in 1968. Age would tell you that Matchbox might be rarer' cars to collect, however Hot Wheels appears to be more popular. Interesting fact ~ both Hot Wheels and Matchbox are owned by Mattel.