If you only include unique answers you end up with the following 6 combinations:0088, 0808, 8008, 8800, 8080, and 0880
There is currently no Louis Vuitton handbag with the code TH 0088. The best way to check the authenticity of a designer bag is to figure out where it was sold.
It depends on the next digit. 00880 is the code for Bangladesh... 00886 is for Taiwan.
The address of the Nancy Branch is: Mills Spring Plaza, Nancy, 42544 0088
The address of the Marietta Public Library is: Park Road, Marietta, 38856 0088
The value of a 2003 Patriots solid bronze medal limited edition 0088 Super Bowl plaque depends on its condition. In excellent condition this plaque is valued between 10.00 and 16.00.
Jawbone does not have a Canadian office, but they do have a Canadian distributor. Avoca Technologies, 1-888-729-0088.
The address of the Bude Public Library is: 903 Railroad Avenue, Bude, 39630 0088
The address of the Chazy Public Library is: 1329 Fiske Road, Chazy, 12921 0088
The address of the Sumner Historical Society is: Po Box 88, Sumner, ME 04292-0088
The address of the Aneta Public Library is: 11995 19Th Street NE, Aneta, 58212 0088