

Best Answer

The answer is the difference between the lengths, which is 11 yards (or 33 feet).

To find the answer

It is easier to first express the first distance in feet and eliminate the fraction.

7 1/3 yards x 3 = 22 feet

To find the second distance, multiply by 2 1/2. (22 x 2 1/2 = 55 feet)

Subtract to find the difference 55-22 = 33 feet, which is 33/3 or 11 yards.

To find the answer by multiplying fractions (which is the point of the problem)

The second distance, the distance Carl threw the ball, is 7 1/3 x 2 1/2.

To multiply mixed fractions (like 7 1/3), it's a good idea to convert them to improper fractions first. 7 1/3 = 22/3 and 2 1/2 = 5/2

22/3 x 5/2 = 110/6 = 18 2/6 yards = 18 1/3 yards (55 feet).

Subtracting Devin's distance, 18 1/3 - 7 1/3 = 11 yards (33 feet).

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Q: If Devin throws a football 7 and a third yards and Carl throws it 2 and a half times farther than Devin then how much farther did Carl's throw travel than Devin's?
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