

Best Answer

The first angle A is twice as large as the second, angle B. The third angle C is 20 degrees larger than B (as B must be the smallest angle). The internal angle sof a triangle add to 180 degrees.

A + B + C = 180

A = 2B

C = B + 20

(2B) + B + (B + 20) = 180
4B + 20 = 180
4B = 160
B = 40o.

A = 2B
A = 2 X 40
A = 80o.

C = B + 20
C = 40 + 20
C = 60o.

Alternate Method

The internal angles of all triangles always add up to 180 degrees. Call our triangle angles A,B and C respectively

A+B+C = 180°

All the dimensions of the triangle are described in terms of angle A; the smallest angle.

A= A, B = 2A, C = A + 20o

So in terms of A:

A +2A + A+20o 180o

4A +20o = 180o therefore 4A = 180o - 20o = 160o and therefore A = 160/4 = 40o

If A= 40o and B = 2A and C = A + 20o


A = 40o, B = 80o, C = 60o

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Q: If one angle of a triangle is twice as large as another The measure of the third angle is 20 degrees greater than that of the smallest angle How large are the angles?
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An obtuse triangle.

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One angle in a triangle can be greater than 90 degrees, but no more than one.

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It can. An example of an isosceles triangle without any angles greater than 90 would be an equilateral triangle, with all angles equalling 60 degrees. An example with an angle greater than 90 would be a triangle with angles of 100 degrees, 40 degrees and 40 degrees. You couldn't have an isosceles triangle with 2 angles greater than or equal to 90, as all the angles sum to 180 degrees.

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An obtuse triangle.

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No. If a triangle has an obtuse angle, the other two will be acute.Addition from another contributor: The measurement of all three of a triangle's angles combined is always 180 degrees, and an obtuse angle is by definition greater than 90 degrees and less 180. Thus, any possible combination of two obtuse angles, even of the smallest possible, (if there was such a thing) would still yield a measure greater than 180 degrees.

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The answer is 36...Triangle = 1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36Square = 1,4,9,16,25,36

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