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You know that at least one of them must be acute.

A quadrilteral can have three obtuse angles, but not four.

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Q: If you know that two of the angles in a quadrilateral are obtuse then what is true about the other two angles and Explain?
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Which 2-D shapes can have 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles?

With 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles it has 4 angles - the shape is a quadrilateral. The shape can be one of trapezium, parallelogram, rhombus, kite or a general quadrilateral. With the two acute angles next to each other (forcing the two obtuse angles to be next to each other) the shape can be either a trapezium or a general quadrilateral.

How is a quadrilateral different from a quadrilateral?

A rhombus is a 4 equal sided quadrilateral with equal opposite acute angles and equal opposite obtuse angles with diagonals that bisect each other at right angles.

Is it possible to draw a quadrilateral with 2 obtuse angle?

Yes providing the other 2 angles are acute

How is a rhombus different from a quadrilateral?

It is no different from a quadrilateral.A quadrilateral is any shape with four sides and a rhombus has four sides, therefore it is a quadrilateral.

What is the name of the quadrilateral which has has two right angles and two angles which are not right angles?

No quadrilateral with 2 internal right angles can be anything other than a square or rectangle. The shape described in the question does not exist.Improved Answer:-It could be a trapezoid with two right angles, an acute angle and an obtuse angle.

If one of two vertical angles is obtuse then is the other obtuse?

name two obtuse vertical angles.

Can a trapezoid have four obtuse angles?

No, a trapezoid cannot have four obtuse angles. Since it is a quadrilateral, the sum of the angles must equal 360 degrees. To be considered obtuse, an angle must be greater than 90 degrees. If all four exceeded 90 degrees, the total would exceed 360.

Vertical angles can not be obtuse angles?

they can be obtuse say ther are two lines intersecting two of the angles are acute (50degrees) that means the other pair must be obtuse 180-50=130 so the other two angles are obtuse with a measurement of 130degrees

Can two vertical angles can be obtuse?

Vertical angles are, by definition, equal. So if one is obtuse then so is the other.

Can one of the internal angles of a triangle be an obtuse angle?

yes, there can be an obtuse internal angle in a triangle, but keep in mind that the other two angles' sums plus the obtuse angle can only equal 180 degrees (meaning that the other non-obtuse angles will be very small acute angles)

Can an obtuse triangle have congruent angles?

Yes, an obtuse triangle can have two congruent angles, where for the obtuse angle measuring A degrees, each of the two other angles measures (180-A)/2.

Does a trapezoid have four obtuse angles?

No, a trapezoid does not have four obtuse angles. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides and the other pair of non-parallel sides. The angles of a trapezoid can be a combination of acute, obtuse, and right angles, but it cannot have four obtuse angles.