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A = 60

B = 20

C = 140

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Q: In triangle ABC the measure of angle B is 40 less than the measure of angle A the measure of angle C is 20 more than twice the measure of angle A what is the measure of angle C?
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That depends on what type of triangle it is but in general:- 180-interior angle = exterior angle

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Can a triangle be classified as an acute triangle?

Yes. A triangle can be classified as: For angles 1. If a triangle has at least 1 angle that has an angle measure of more than 90 degrees, it can be called an obtuse triangle 2. If a triangle has 3 angles that are less than 90 degrees, it's a acute triangle. 3. If a triangle has an angle that has an angle measure of 90 degrees, it can be called and right triangle For sides: 1. All equal sides= equilateral. 2. 2 equal sides= Isosceles 3. No equal sides= scalene

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Let the measure of the first angle be x⁰. So that the second angle would be (x + 21)⁰, and the third one would be (x - 15)⁰.Since the sum of angle measures in a triangle is 180⁰ we have:x + x + 21 + x - 15 = 1803x = 174x = 58Thus, the first angle is 58⁰, the second angle is 79⁰, and the third angle is 43⁰.

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