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Q: Is 2 liters per minute a lot of oxygen or average?
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How much of oxygen need for one person?

a human breaths 20 liters / minute with oxygen being 21% of the air this means +- 4liters / min intake although a lot of the oxygen leaves our body again when exhaling (4% oxygen gets taken in by our body, and 4% extra CO2 is exhaled) this means a human body takes about 0.16liters of oxygen / minute

How many liters of solution are in the average adult human body?

15 liters thanks a lot guys

How much does liquid oxygen cost?

I'm a Glassblower so I use lox a lot I pay about $80 to $125 for 180 liters of liquid oxygen depending where in the country I'm at ! Cheers

How much oxygen does a person need with COPD?

The average adult at rest inhales and exhales something like 7 or 8 liters (about one-fourth of a cubic foot) of air per minute. That totals something like 11,000 liters of air (388 cubic feet) in a day. The air that is inhaled is about 20-percent oxygen, and the air that is exhaled is about 15-percent oxygen, so about 5-percent of the volume of air is consumed in each breath and converted to carbon dioxide. Therefore, a human being uses about 550 liters of pure oxygen (19 cubic feet) per day. A person who is exercising obviously uses a lot more oxygen than that. You could determine how much air is moving through your lungs by exhaling into a plastic bag of known volume at each breath and seeing how long it takes to fill the bag.

Will you dies fast if your femoral artery gets cut?

Dying from cutting hardly works at all, just a heads up if your'e thinking about it. If you cut the femoral vein there would be a lot of blood, and would be difficult to stop the bleeding, but ti would be possible, however, purposely cutting that isn't very possible in the first place, not reasonably anyway.

Is 4.4 liters a lot?

It depends lot of what? 4.4 liters = 4400 cubic cm

How much oxygen do we in hail in a minute?

It depends on if your fat or not. Fat people breathe a lot harder than skinny people, especially if they are running....truestory

About how much water does the human body normally need in a day in liters?

a lot of liters.

Who many kittens can a cat have In a liters?

a lot

Is there 18 liters in 400 gallons?

Actually, a lot more than 18 liters. 400 US gallons is equal to about 1,514.16 liters.

How many times are dogs supposed to sneeze a day?

Definitely a lot. I found out that on average, dogs can breathe 15-30 breathes in just 1 minute!

Is orange juice capable of rusting a nail?

It is, but you can't just plob it in a little plastic cup and expect it to rust. You need to let it have at least 1 minute of oxygen a day to have it rust a lot.