

Is 2 pi r linear

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yes, it is linear in r.

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Q: Is 2 pi r linear
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Is the equation 2 pi r the circumference of a circle linear?

Yes it is. Linear simply means that the degree (or number of powers) of the variable is 1. In this case the variable is the radius "r" and it occurs to the first power ... so the equation C=2 times pi times r is linear in r. Ralph the triangle

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The circumference of a circle: C = 2(pi)r The area of a circle: A = (pi) r^2 C = 25.12 cm 2(pi)r = 25.12 cm r = 25.12/[2(pi)] r = 12.56/pi r^2 = 157.7536/pi^2 So, A = (pi)r^2 A = (pi)(157.7536/pi^2) A = 157.7536/pi A = 50.22 cm^2 (approximately)

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Radius = r = 18Area = Pi x r2 = Pi x 324 (= approximately 1018 square units)Circumference = Pi x 2 x r = Pi x 36 (= approximately 113 linear units)

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Surface Area = 2*pi*(r^2) + 2*pi*r*hVolume = pi*(r^2)*hFor a cylinder with a radius of r and a height of h.The ratio then is:[ 2*pi*(r^2) + 2*pi*r*h ] / [ pi*(r^2)*h ] =(2/h) + (2/r) =2*{ (1/h) + (1/r) }

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girth = 2PI r height=h h+2 PI r =108 h=108-2 PI r Volume = PI r^2 h V = PI r^2 (108-2PI r) Differentiate with respect to r dV/dr = PI (2r) (108-2PI r) +PI r^2 (-2PI) =0 216 PI r -4 PI^2 r^2 -2 PI^2 r^2=0 216 PI r -6 PI ^2 r^2=0 PI r [ 216-6 PI r] =0 6 PI r = 216 r = 36/PI --- dimensions h = (108-2 PI (36/PI)) = 108 -72=36 -- dimensions Largest volume = PI r^2 h = PI (36/PI)^2 (36) =1,296 / PI d^2V/dr^2 =216 PI -6 PI^2 (2r) when r=36/PI, d^2V/dr2 = 216 PI - 6PI^2 (2)(36)/PI =216 PI -432 PI < 0, indicates V has been maximized.

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SA=2(pi times r squared) + h(pi 2 r) or (easier way) 2 pi r squared + 2 pi r h

What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 37.68?

Since circumference of a circle is C = 2*pi*r where r is the radius, we know that 37.68 = 2*pi*r, so r = 37.68/(2*pi). Thus, we know that the area of the circle is A = pi*r^2 = pi*(37.68/(2*pi))^2, or 112.983.

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Recall the equation A = pi * r^2. You've given the information that A = 289 pi. Now, simply solve the equation for r: A = pi * r^2 289 pi = pi * r^2 289 = r^2 sqrt(289) = r 17 = r

How do you solve v equal pi r square h solve for h?

V = pi*(r^2)*h is the formula for the volume of a cylinder. In order to solve for 'h' (or the height), do the following:V = pi*(r^2)*h --> divide both sides of the equation by pi*(r^2) to get rid of pi*(r^2) on the right side of the equation.V/(pi*(r^2)) = (pi*(r^2)*h)/(pi*(r^2)) --> cancel out the common term (pi*(r^2)) in the right side of the equation.You are left with the original equation in terms of 'h':h = V/(pi*(r^2))

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2*pi*r2 x 2*pi*rhx=timedSurface Area of a Cylinder = 2 pi r 2 + 2 pi r h Volume of a Cylinder = (2 pi r 2) height

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S = 2 pi r h + 2 pi r2S - 2 pi r2 = 2 pi r hh = (S - 2 pi r2) / (2 pi r)

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C=2(pi)r A=(pi)r2 If C=A, then 2(pi)r=(pi)r2. Divide both sides by r: 2(pi)=(pi)r. Divide both sides by (pi): 2=r. Therefore, if the radius of a circle is 2 ft., the circumference is 2 sq. ft.