Do the subtractions - 735 - 700, versus 800 - 735, and see which is less.
Too is a substitute for also. This also annoys me. This annoys me too. Too also can be used to mean excessive, as in too big, too loud, too beautiful.
Ten minutes is too long ( a time). The sentence Ten minutes are too long means that ten of the minutes are longer than the others.
I see you are going to the movies,I too, am going to the movies.
Too is a synonym of also. Either is accompanied by or in a sentence. This means that when you use either you mean one or the other, and when you use too you mean both. These words are not the same.
to is a preposition, it introduces a noun. too is a adverb, meaning to a greater extent and means "also".
I,ve raced almost every stock sled out there and been in front every time! from a dead stop,or rolling. Very fast machines, my 98 xcr 700 is stupid fast too!
I think the start of Aladdin
Credit score will affect your interest rate when buying a home. If you have between 800-700 your score is high and therefore you should be able to receive a great interest rate. If you are lower than 700 but higher then 500, you should be approved too but the interest rate will be higher.
too many hits on the bong
The closer an object is to the sun, the more heat it receives. If Earth were too close to the sun it would be too hot to support life.
stupid the earth doesn't get closer too the sun :(
6 too 700
676 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 700