It could be, but then again, it might not be. Let me take another look. Ooops, its disappeared!
It could be a right triangle if it has a right angle (90 degrees). If it does not have a right angle, then it is an acute triangle.
A right scalent triangle is a triangle with a right angle and no sides equal in length.
A Right Triangle or sometimes called a Right-angled Triangle has one angle = 90 degrees
Yes, a right triangle is symmetrical.
The shortest side of a triangle is opposite to its smallest angle
In a triangle the shortest side is opposite to the smallest angle and the largest side is opposite to the biggest angle.
a scalene triangle, the shortest side is GH
fgh fghf gh fghf hfg hfgh fgh fgh fgh fhf hf hhe deg rd
in ghfh fgh in ghfh fgh
fttjnttjhthj hdttd tdh thfgh fghghfgh g fh gfh fgh gghh fgh gh fgh g hg hg h hg h fgh fg hg fh fh fgh fgh fgh gh gt\h]t r\y]tryt\ry\t] yt]y\t]\y]t\y]\t]y\]t\y]t\]y\t]y\t]y\t
If a triangle has a right angle, it is a right triangle.
A right triangle is a triangle with a right angle.a right triangle is a triangle with 1 side as a right angle
1. A triangle is a right triangle if and only if it has a right angle. 2. A triangle has a right angle if and only if it is a right triangle.
a right triangle has one right angleA triangle with a right angle is a right triangle.