if you put your mind to it it is not really hard just rember your properties
it almost the same but they make the theory more complecated and chalanged
It is not hard compared to college algebra. pre-calc just incorporates topics you have learned so far uo to college algebra and introduces a few more. if you did well in algebra, you should do well in pre-calc.
intermediate algebra is like medium difficulty. advanced algebra is harder for some people. that comes down to opinion... but advanced algebra teaches a more difficult or higher level math. its kind of like learning high school math in middle school, or college math in high school.
To even consider college algebra you need strong algebra skills. So, your expectation would be to work very hard and be challenged often That is why many take advanced algebra.
you don't go from algebra to calculus and linear algebra. you go from algebra to geometry to advanced algebra with trig to pre calculus to calculus 1 to calculus 2 to calculus 3 to linear algebra. so since you got an A+ in algebra, I think you are good.
Julie Miller has written: 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Beginning and intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Beginning and intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Prealgebra and introductory algebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Arithmetic, Algebra 'Beginning algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra, Textbooks 'Basic college mathematics' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Mathematics 'College algebra essentials' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Prealgebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Mathematics 'Prealgebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Mathematics
Robert Blitzer has written: 'CLAST Manual Thinking Mathematically' 'Algebra & trigonometry' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Trigonometry, Algebra, Functions 'Introductory Algebra and Intermediate Algebra for College Students' 'College algebra essentials' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Intermediate Algebra for College Student' 'College Mathematics 1' 'College mathematics II' -- subject(s): Mathematics, Trigonometry, Algebra 'Introductory algebra for college students' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Intermediate algebra for college students' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Students Solution Manual For Intermediate Algebra for College Students Blitzer 3rd Edition' 'Student solutions manual, Intermediate algebra for college students' -- subject(s): Problems, exercises, Algebra 'Introductory Algebra (Solutions Manual)' 'Mathpro Explorer CD (PC/MAC) Student Version 3.0' 'Thinking Mathematically' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Mathematics 'College Mathematics' 'College mathematics II' -- subject(s): Mathematics, Trigonometry, Algebra 'Intermediate Algebra for College Students/Internet Guide 98' 'Algebra and trigonometry' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Trigonometry, Algebra 'Blitzer College Algebra, An Early Approach'
Ronald Hatton has written: 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'Introductory algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra
John Tobey has written: 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'Beginning algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra
yes up to intermediate algebra or colloege algebra
Jerome E. Kaufmann has written: 'Mathematics is ..' -- subject(s): Mathematics 'Intermediate algebra for college students' -- subject(s): Algebra 'College algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra, Textbooks 'Algebra for college students' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'Elementary algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'Elementary algebra' -- subject(s): Textbooks, Algebra 'College algebra and trigonometry' -- subject(s): Trigonometry, Algebra 'The many facets of mathematics' -- subject(s): Mathematics 'College algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'Precalculus' -- subject(s): Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Algebra 'Elementary and intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra, Textbooks
Neil McArthur has written: 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra
Linsley Wyant has written: 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra
M.F Janowitz has written: 'Intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra
JoAnne Thomasson has written: 'Experiencing introductory and intermediate algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra 'Experiencing algebra' -- subject(s): Algebra