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Q: Is it possible for a single line to have more than one equation?
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You can have more than one point-slope equation for a single line?


When a linear equation can not be a function?

The linear equation x=5 or any other number is a vertical line. There are more than one possible answer for y. Therefore it is not a function.

Can there be more than one slope on a linear graph?

One line can have only one slope. It is possible to draw more than one line on a single graph, however.

What is General equation of a line?

The general equation to represent a line isaX + bY = c, where a, b, and c are given values or parameters.See the reference for more information.

What was the advantage of the Global Body Line production process?

The streamlined Global Body Line production process made it possible to switch from one model to another on a single line, permitting Cho to place more robots at any given line location.

What type of graph yields to a straight line?

A linear graph. A graph with an equation of the form: a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn + c = 0 where the ai are constants and xi are variable (i = 1,2, ... n) will be a straight line in n-dimensional space. In 2-dimensions, the equation is more commonly written as ax + by + c = 0. The key characteristic of the equation is that the variables appear as single terms, with power 1.

You can have more than one point-slope equation for a single line.true or false?


What is is an equation with more than one variable called?

Simultaneous equation* * * * *No, simultaneous equations are two or more equations that have all to be true at the same time (simultaneously) for the solution.An equation with more than one variable is a multivariate equaion.Area = 0.5*Length*Height or a = 0.5*l*h for the area of a triangle has more than one variables, but it is certainly not simultaneous.An equation with a variable is called a single variable equation. An equation that has more than one variable is called as a multi-variable equation. A polynomial equation has one variable in different powers: a common example is quadratic equations.

Is it possible for an equation to have more than one correct solution?

Definitely.The equation [ x^2 = 4 ] has two solutions.x = +2x = -2The square root of any number can be a positive number or its negative. The solution for a quadratic equation often has two different values. However having two different values is still a single solution.

What is a non-linear equation?

A nonlinear equation does not produce a straight line and the exponent is to the second power or more. x square plus 3y =5 is an example of a nonlinear equation.

What is the standard equation?

There is no such thing as a standard equation. Furthermore, there are standard forms - all different - for the equation of a line, a circle, a plane, a parabola, an ellipse and so on. the question needs to be more specific.

Is it possible to construct more than one line that is parallel to any given line?
