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No. Even if the answer is zero, zero is still a polynomial.

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No. The sum of two polynomials will always be a polynomial.

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Q: Is it possible to add 2 polynomials together and your answer is not a polynomial?
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How do explain how to multiply polynomials?

You simply need to multiply EACH term in one polynomial by EACH term in the other polynomial, and add everything together.

What is the degree an algebraic ezpression?

The "degree" is only specified for polynomials. The degree of a monomial (a single term) is the sum of the powers of all the variables. For example, x3y2z would have the degree 6; you have to add 3 + 2 + 1 (since z is the same as z to the power 1). The degree of a polynomial is the degree of its highest monomial.

Which algebraic expression is a polynomial with a degree of 4?

A polynomial is made up of one or several monomials (terms added or subtracted together). The term with the highest degree should have a degree of 4. To get the degree, if it's a single variable, the degree is the power to which it is raised; if there are several variables, add all the powers together.

What is the polynomial degree of 4ab5 2ab-3a4b3?

To find the polynomial degree you have only to add the exponents of all of the different components of the polynomial. In your case, you would add 1 and 5 from 4ab5 to get 6, 1 and 1 from 2ab to get 2, and 4 and 3 from 3a4b3 to get 7. Since the degree of the third component is the highest, that is you're answer.

When you add polynomials what do you do with your exponents?

Nothing. The exponents are not affected when added polynomials. However, they play a role in which variables add or subtract another variable. For example. (3x^2+5x-6)+(4x^2-3x+4) The exponents would determine that when adding these polynomials that 3x^2 would be added to 4x^2 and so forth 5x-3x and finally -6 would be added to 4. With a final conclusion of (7x^2+2x-2)

Related questions

How do explain how to multiply polynomials?

You simply need to multiply EACH term in one polynomial by EACH term in the other polynomial, and add everything together.

Is 4 - 3x plus 5x2 a polynomial?

Yes. If you add, subtract or multiply (but not if you divide) any two polynomials, you will get a polynomial.

What are the rules in addition of polynomials?

Add together the coefficients of "like" terms. Like terms are those that have the same powers of the variables in the polynomials.

How do you add polynomials with dissimilar terms?

To add polynomials with dissimilar terms, you simply combine like terms by collecting the terms with the same variables and exponents. If a variable or exponent is not present in one polynomial, you leave it as it is. Then, you can add or subtract the coefficients of the like terms to arrive at your final answer.

How is adding polynomials the same as subtracting polynomials?

just add the negative of the polynomial, that is the same as subtracting it. For example, x^2+2x is a poly, the negative is -x^2-2x. So if we want to subtract x^2+2x from another poly, we can add the negative instead.

Why it is not possible to add two polynomials of degree 3 and get a polynomial of 4?

When you add polynomials, you simply add the coefficients of the variable taken to the same degree. For example (x3 + 2x2 + 3x + 4) added to (2x3 - 4x2 + x -2) would give you [(1+2)x3 + (2-4)x2 + (3+1)x + (4-2)] or 3x3 - 2x2 + 4x + 2 You would get a fourth degree polynomial by multiplying this one by x. Another way to think of it: If you add 1 apple and 3 apples (like one times x2 and 3 times x2) you still get apples, not watermelons.

What pattern are involve in multiplying binomial?

You multiply each term of one binomial by each term of the other binomial. In fact, this works for multiplying any polynomials: multiply each term of one polynomial by each term of the other one. Then add all the terms together.

Can two third-degree polynomials be added to produce a second-degree polynomial?

Yes. If the coefficient of the third degree terms in one polynomial are the additive inverses (minus numbers) of the coefficient of the corresponding terms in the second polynomial. Eg: 3x3 + 2x2 + 5 and -3x3 + x - 7 add to give 2x2 + x - 2

How do you Add two polynomial using a link list in c plus plus?

Linked lists are a good way to represent polynomials. The coefficients of each term would be a node in the linked list, with the first node representing X0 and each successive node representing the next higher power of X; X1, X2, etc.. To add two polynomials, you simply add the coefficients of like terms. To add linked lists, you simply add the values of like orders, i.e. you would add the first nodes together, the second terms together, the third terms together, and so on and so forth. You iterate through both polynomials (linked lists) and add the coefficients. You either generate a third linked list or you add the first to the second, as desired. You need to be able to handle list extension, and when you run out of terms on one list, you stop. In C or C++ (or other language supporting self referential structures) you can implement this simply by building a linked list and providing functions to iterate and add. If you have an OO language like C++ or JAVA, you can actually implement a class, creating a new type, polynomial, so that the interface could be as simple as... polynomial a (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); polynomial b (2, 4, 6, 0, 8, 10, 12); a = a+b; // the result would be a (3, 6, 9, 4, 13, 10, 12) Actual implementation is not shown, because that is a large effort, because the question only asked "how", and because we are not really here to do your homework.

How do you add polynomials?

homer Simpson

Hellllp meee. How do you add polynomials when you don't have any like terms?

Hellllp meee, how do you add polynomials when you don't have any like terms is a very common questions when it comes to this type of math. However, the polynomials can only be added if all terms are alike. No unlike terms can be added within the polynomials.

Can there be two patterns in a sequence?

Yes, there can be infinitely many. Given a sequence of n numbers, it is always possible to fit a polynomial of degree (n-1) to it. That polynomial is one posible pattern.Then suppose the sequence is extended by adding an (n+1)thnumber = k. You now have a sequence of n+1 numbers and there is a polynomial of degree n that will fit it. For each of an infinite number of values of k, there will be a different polynomial of degree n. Next add another number, l. There will now be an infinite number of polynomials of degree n+1. And this process can continue without end.And these are only polynomial functions. You can have other rules - for example, sums of sines and cosines (see Fourier transformations if you are really keen and able).