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In general no. The intersection of two parallel half-planes A and B is either a half-plane (either A or B, when A and B have similar orientation) or the empty set (when A and B have opposite orientation). When A and B are not parallel, their intersection is a maximal open region bounded by the two lines that define A and B, respectively. In this case, the intersection always exists and it is never a half-plane.

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Q: Is the intersection of any two half-planes necessarily a half-plane?
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How many miles per hour should you not exceed while driving through a blind intersection?

Blind IntersectionsThe speed limit for a blind intersection is 15 mph. An intersection is considered "blind" if there are no stop signs at any corner and you cannot see for 100 feet in either direction during the last 100 feet before crossing. Trees, bushes, buildings, or parked cars at intersections can block your view to the side. If your view is blocked, edge forward slowly until you can see.

What is a disjoint set?

ExplanationFormally, two sets A and B are disjoint if their intersection is the empty set, i.e. if This definition extends to any collection of sets. A collection of sets is pairwise disjoint or mutually disjoint if, given any two sets in the collection, those two sets are disjoint.Formally, let I be an index set, and for each i in I, let Ai be a set. Then the family of sets {Ai : i ∈ I} is pairwise disjoint if for any i and j in I with i ≠ j,For example, the collection of sets { {1}, {2}, {3}, ... } is pairwise disjoint. If {Ai} is a pairwise disjoint collection (containing at least two sets), then clearly its intersection is empty:However, the converse is not true: the intersection of the collection {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}} is empty, but the collection is not pairwise disjoint. In fact, there are no two disjoint sets in this collection.A partition of a set X is any collection of non-empty subsets {Ai : i ∈ I} of X such that {Ai} are pairwise disjoint andSets that are not the same.

If a system has an infinite number of solutions does it follow that any ordered pair is a solution?

No, this is not necessarily the case. A function can have an infinite range of solutions but not an infinite domain. This means that not every ordered pair would be a solution.

Difference betweenDisjoint sets and pairwise disjoint sets?

Assuming that, by 'disjoint', you mean that a collection of sets has an empty intersection, here is the difference between pairwise disjoint and 'disjoint': If a collection of sets is pairwise disjoint, it implies that the collection is 'disjoint': If no two sets overlap, then no k sets would overlap for any k, since this would require the overlap of at least two sets i.e. you know for sure that k things aren't in contact at a common point if you know that no two of them are in contact with each other. However, if a collection of sets is 'disjoint' (so the overall intersection is empty), it doesn't mean that the collection is pairwise disjoint. For instance, you could have a collection of 4 sets containing two overlapping pairs, where no set in one pair overlaps with a set in the other. So the intersection of the whole thing would be empty without pairwise disjointness. You could have a few things in contact with each other without all of them sharing a point of contact.

What if there were no parallel lines?

Then civilisation and society as we know it today would have never evolved because parallel lines are needed in engineering, carpentary, buildings, mathematics, the shapes of some letters and of course there would be no trains. All lines in any one plane would intersect each other. (But they wouldn't necessarily intersect lines in other planes.)

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What is the intersection of the rational and irrational numbers?

There isn't any. If there were, then the intersection would consist of all the numbers that are both rational and irrational, and there aren't any of those.

An intersection is any place where one line of traffic meets another?

Yes a intersection is any place where one line of traffic meets another. Another place where an intersection can occur is with lines in parking lots as well as on roadways.

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At most two sides of a polygon go through any point of intersection.

What are you required to do when approaching an intersection without a stop or yield sign?

When approaching an intersection without a stop or yield sign, you are required to yield to any vehicles already in the intersection or approaching from your right.

What should drivers do when they reach an uncontrolled intersection?

When drivers reach an uncontrolled intersection, they should yield to any vehicles already in the intersection and proceed with caution. It is important to be aware of other vehicles and pedestrians to ensure safe passage through the intersection.

Can your car enter an intersection to make a turn?

A car must enter the intersection to make a turn. Restrictions on when you may enter any given intersection are given by the road signs and road markings.

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Is there any case when union and intersection are same in sets?

if we have set A and B consider A={1,2,3,4}and B={3,4,5,6} the union of these sets is A and B={1,2,3,4,5,6}and the intersection is{3,4} the union and the intersection are same only if A=B

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The car to the rightAnother View: Above answer is incorrect. If the intersection is uncontrolled by any signs or signal, the car which approached the intersection from the bottom leg of the tee (i.e.: the road which ended at the intersection) yields to the through-roadway.

If a bed strikes north then it must have a strike of 90 degrees?

Not necessarily. The strike of a bed refers to the direction of the line formed by the intersection of the bedding plane with a horizontal plane. If a bed strikes north, it means it is oriented towards the north direction, but the strike angle could be any value (e.g., 0°, 45°, 90°, etc.), not necessarily 90 degrees.

Which can be the intersection of two distinct lines?

The intersection of two lines can be any of the following:NothingA single pointAn entire line (that means the two lines are NOT distinct)

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20 feet