Algebra can be used to solve for an unknown value in Graham's Law formula.
The Grahams law formula can use algebra for solving for an unknown value in the formula.
I don't really think there is a difference, but maybe the difference is that in pre-algebra you learn and practice the basic foudations, like the different steps to solve an equation, and what is a equation, and stuff like that. Begining algebra is where you practice actually solving the easier types of algebra equations.
Since "pre-" means before, then pre-algebra would be before algebra. Conversely, algebra would be after pre-algebra. Generally, the next class after a pre-algebra class would be Algebra I, followed by Algebra II.
Dewey cheetham and howe
Pre-algebra preps you for algebra.2nd answer:Pre-AP-algebra is the same as Algebra I. Both are way harder than pre- algebra.
for simplicity
Golden Grahams of course! Golden Grahams of course!
Teddy Grahams was created in 1988.
S'mores Grahams was created in 1982.
He did not really come up with algebra: he put together the thinking behind algebra in one book.
Grahams Hi-Fi was created in 1929.
There is virtually no use of grahams number.
Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi
i did
teddy grahams are made of flour and eggs you can go to the store and find out more !!!!!!! hahaha!!!!!!!