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Q: Make an x on each of 4 toothpicks so you can remove 7 squares all the same size would be left?
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How do you get 7 squares with 12 toothpicks?

7 squares is forty nine so you remove two toothpicks to make the digits 49

How do you make 6 squares with 12 toothpicks?

You make 3-D! Look... 6 squares in one cube and you can do that with toothpicks too!

How do you make 3 squares with 12 toothpicks?

A square has 4 sides therefore 3 squares from 12 toothpicks will simply be three unconnected squares

How do you Move 4 toothpicks from 4 squares to make 3 squares?


If you use Toothpicks to make four squares move only two so that two squares remain and a toothpick must be a part of a square?

Old one. Make a square out of four squares, then remove two adjacent inside toothpicks. This leaves a large square with a small square inside.

How do you make 2 squares and 4 triangles using 8 toothpicks?

Make a two by two grid with six toothpicks, and then place the other two toothpicks at a 45 degree angle on the corner of two of the squares.

How do you make 2 squares and 4 triangles from 8 toothpicks?

make a circle

How do you make six squares with 12 toothpicks?

bend 2 toothpicks at 90 degree angles and put them cornor to cornor

How do you make 5 squares out of twelve toothpicks?

You arrange 12 toothpicks into a large square, subdivided into four squares : 2 toothpicks on each side and four more, one each from the middle of the sides to the center of the large square. Now you have four (small) squares. Take away 2 adjacent toothpicks from the ones in the center, and you have 2 squares : one remaining small one and the large one that has the small one inside it. (see related link)

How do you remove 2 toothpicks to make 5 boxes into 4?

assuming by boxes you mean squares in two dimensions its easy. Make the five boxes all next to each other so they share sides then remove two toothpicks here the top and bottom of a middle box and you are left with 4.

How do you make seven squares from twelve toothpicks?

make three squares and overlap them so that two of them meet in the center of the third square, making four smaller squares in the center

How do you make 6 squares using 12 toothpicks?

You can arrange them to make a cube.12 edges, 6 faces.