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Q: Many organisms take magnesium from saewater to make bones or shells true or false?
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What do many organisms take from seawater to make bones or shells?

They take magnesium.

What element is stored in the shells and skeletons of living organisms?

Calcium are the main composite of shells and bones.

In dead organisms what change would you expect over time?

Dead organisms (unless specially preserved) will decay, and the soft tissue will rot and eventually disappear, leaving behind only bones or shells (for those organisms that have bones or shells).

Is the ocean floor a good place for fossils to form?

A lot of shells of marine organisms wind up on the ocean floor. Bones do not last on the ocean floor, they get eaten. But shells can last.

Do bones and teeths contain magnesium?

yes, Our bones are made up of 60 - 65% of magnesium.

What is the common factor in your bones and the shells of some animals?

Calcium - it's what gives bones and shells their strength.

How many bones are in turtle shells?

50 bones

What oracle bones made of?

they WERE made out of turtle shells and cattle bones

What mineral is needed when bones are growing?


Where is the majority of the body's magnesium found?


Why are large areas of sea floor covered with thick layers of sediment containing calcium?

Other chemicals are removed from the water by organisms that use silica and calcium to make bones or shells. When the organisms die, these materials sink to the sea floor.

Does magnesium help your digestive system?

Magnesium is involved with boosting your metabolism, but most of the magnesium found in your body (50%) is located in your bones.