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Q: Money earned from which of these is represented as salaries?
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Money earned from which of these is presented as salaries?

Labor. (:

What are examples of earned income?

Earned income can include wages, tips, salaries, net earnings from self employment. Basically earned income is the money you make from working for someone else or from you working in the business you own. It is considered earned income if you worked for it.

What are some examples of earned income?

Earned income can include wages, tips, salaries, net earnings from self employment. Basically earned income is the money you make from working for someone else or from you working in the business you own. It is considered earned income if you worked for it.

What is the difference between earned income and ordinary income?

Earned income refers to money earned through active work, such as wages or salaries. Ordinary income includes all types of income, including earned income, interest, dividends, and capital gains.

What is the largest source of earned income for US households?

Wages and salaries

Whitney Houston movie salaries?

She earned $10 Million for The Preacher's Wife.

Who do the New York Yankees get their salaries from?

The Yankees get their salaries from the ownership, the fans in attendance to their games, and the money from the vendors.

What are salaries for psycho dynamic therapists?

Salaries are the money or other form of compensation you get when you work. It does not matter what your occupation is.

Who pays government employee salaries?

Taxpayer money is used to pay Govt. employee salaries.

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What factor of production is represented as interest earned on investments?


Is the amount of money paid or earned for the use of money?

Interest is earned or paid for the use of money