The second number in an ordered pair (x,y) is the y-coordinate for that point.
Ordered pairs are used to locate points on the graph. The first number in an ordered pair corresponds to the horizontal axis, and the second corresponds to the vertical axis.
You are going to have a x axis and a y axis on your coordinate graph. Let's say that the number in the x axis is 3 and the number on the y axis is -5. The x axis will bring the x coordinate, which is he 1st number in the ordered pair. The y axis will bring you the y coordinate, which is the second number of an ordered pair. This means that 3, the number on the x axis is first and -5, the number on the y axis is second. In this example, the ordered pair is (3,-5). So pretty much, an ordered pair is (x coordinate, y coordinate). Thank you for reading my answer.
Other way around (X,Y)
It is 4.
It is the second number in the pair.
It is the ORDINATE.
The ordinate
The y coordinate
ordered pair
you suck look in a dicinary
Evaluate the function at the first number in the pair. If the answer is not equal to the second value, then the ordered pair cannot be in the function.
y co-ordinate
If cartesian coordinates are used then the second number in an ordered pair is the y coordinate, also known as the ordinate. If polar coordinates are used then the second number is the angle.