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Q: Select any odd integer greater than 1 square it and then subtract 1 Is the result evenly divisible by 8?
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There are infinitely many ways. For example, select any integer n. Then n+9 is also an integer and(n + 9) - n = 9.

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Pick a number. Add or subtract 1 to or from it.

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There is no simple answer. Given any integer k, you can select A such that the k integers before A are all non-prime. Thus, given any integer k, you can select A so that the answer to the question is k+1.

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Select any integer greater than one. Multiply both the numerator (two) and the denominator (nine) by the number you have selected. You now have a new, equivalent fraction.

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One possible answer: select a 13-digit integer.

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Select all the numbers that $4221462$ is divisible by.

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Select any integer greater than 1 or any common factor of both numerator and denominator. If that number is p then the fractions x/y and px/py are equivalent.

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Do the multiplication. Select the greater number.

What is happening when you are using ad to and subtract from selection?

Add to allows you to select area which will be added to selection (already selected area) and subtract is opposite: allows you to subtract portion from already selected area.

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Select any positive integer bigger than 4, say q. Then 1/q is smaller.You could select any negative integer, p. Then 1/p would also be smaller. There are others.

What does a select case statement do in VB.NET?

it compares one variable with a lot of 'cases' and if it matches a certain case it does something. (you can use multiple if statements instead, but it is more simple this way) Here is a small example: Dim i As Integer = Console.ReadLine() Select Case i Case Is < 100 Console.WriteLine("The number is less than 100.") Case 100 Console.WriteLine("The number is exactly 100.") Case Else Console.WriteLine("The number is greater than 100.") End Select Console.ReadLine()

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Select Disputed Only from the Disputed drop-down list, then in the Transaction Amount fields, select the greater than symbol, and type 500