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dividing by 6

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Q: Shari multiplied n by 6 Which operation is the inverse of what Shari did?
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What are inverse operations?

An "inverse operation" is an operation that is in a certain way the "opposite" of another operation. For example, subtraction is the inverse of addition, division is the inverse of multiplication. Performing the inverse operation will restore the initial value. Example : 6 divided by 3 equals 2, multiplied by 3 is 6 again.

What is the inverse operation of multiply by - 6?

Divide by -6.

What is the inverse operation of adding 6?

Subtracting 6.

What is the inverse operation of x6?

Divide by 6.

Examples of inverse operations?

Inverse operations are just the operation backwards. Example: You do the operation of going to school. The inverse would be going from school to home. Now that you understand the concept of inverse, you just have to apply it to numbers. If you start with 6, and add 4 to get to 10, then the inverse would be to subtract 4 from 10 which would put you at your starting number. *Remember that any number multiplied by its reciprocal is 1.

What is the inverse operation of add negative 6?

subtract negative 6 or +6

What is the inverse operation of add 23?

You just subtract 23 (do the opposite operation to the same number).

What is an inverse operation?

An inverse operation is an operation that reverses the effect of the original operation. For example, addition and subtraction are inverse operations. 2 add 5 is 7, subtract 5 is 2. The subtraction of 5 reversed the effect of adding 5. Multiplication and division are also inverse operations. Two functions f and g are inverse if f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) = x.

What is the first step in solving an equation with a variable?

The first step in solving an equation with a variable is doing the inverse operation. For example:4x + 8=32The first step would be to subtract 8 from 32. Since the operation is addition you would do the inverse which is subtraction. Then you would go on to divide 24 by 4Because 32-8= 24 Then you would get an answer of x=6 This answer is correct because 6 multiplied by 4 is 24

What is an inverese in algebra?

An inverse is another word for opposite. The inverse for adding is subtraction, multiplication is division, etc. If you are solving an equation, and have to get a variable alone, you must eliminate any other numbers with the variable, which means undoing the operation (x, +, -, /); so you perform the inverse. Example: x + 3 = 9. Subtract 3 on both sides to get x alone, because subtraction is the inverse of addition: x = 6. Example: 2x + 3 = 9. You must do the inverse of addition and subtraction before the inverse of multiplication and division. In this case, after subtracting 3 you have: 2x = 6. x is being multiplied by 2, so the inverse is division, and your answer is x = 3.

What is the inverse operation strategy for 4th grade?

The inverse operation is opposite there are two types for example the first type is: addition and subtraction (2+3=5 5-3=2)the second type is multiplication and division (2x3=6 6 divided by 3=2)

How tall is Shari Carlson?

Shari Carlson is 5' 6".