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no because it's boring and they is no use if we already have homework

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Q: Should teachers give out assignments
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Why do some teachers give a lot of assignments and other teachers let them watch a movie for the topic and don't give assignments or do much work in class at school?

coz some teachers are twats

Do teachers give extra homework without saying it?

Teachers are generally required to post homework assignments in writing and most students are required to write down all assignments in a log book and get them signed by their parents.

Why do you make assigment?

Teachers give assignments so the students can practice skills learned in class or add to information learned in class. Sometimes teachers give reading assignments so students will have enough background information to be able to make sense of information that the teacher will deliver in class.

Why do some teachers give 5 pages of homework?

Teachers give out the assignments that they think are going to help you learn the material best. If your teacher is giving more homework than the other classes, you might talk to them - politely! - and show them what other assignments you have so they can think about giving fewer pages.

What do teachers call a student that doesn't do their assignments?

slacker, laggerer

Should schools have multiple teachers?

If necessary. my school has 2 teachers to a classroom. when one has to leave the other takes over and they both help grade assignments. But if you mean to teaching at once then that's ghetto.

Why are hidden assignments still visible in BigGyan Cloud eLearning?

Hidden assignments are not hidden from admins or teachers i.e. users with the viewhiddenassigns capability.

When to give the assignments?

after lecture.

How do you use growth in a sentence?

To my teachers, I have shown great growth and achievement in my classes and assignments.

Are exams the only way to evaluate students?

No. Teachers usually give assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and other activites that are evaluated. It depends on the techer. Even class participation can be an evaluation.

Why should you give respect to the teachers?

because you don't want detention?!

Do you have answers for USFK theater specific?

Students and teachers have not provided the USFK Theater Specific answers on the internet. Teachers are available to assist students with their assignments.