There are 3600 seconds in an hour so 14 x 3600 = 50,400 mph! (Are you sure you got the question right?)
Yep, flies off the handle at just about everything!
7.5 miles per hour
When the jet takes off, the light plane has been in the air for 2 hours, and has covered (2 x 192) = 384 miles. That's the light plane's lead. The lead closes at (960-192) = 768 miles per hour. It takes (384/768) = 1/2 hour to close the gap. During that time, the light plane flies another (192/2) = 96 miles, , for a total of (384 + 96) = 480 miles. Also during that time, the jet flies (960/2) = 480 miles. The math checks. They pass. But neither pilot notices it, because the jet passes the prop-job at the speed of sound.
A variable is something that can be changed.In Math.x+10= 15x is the variable, which can be replaced by 5.In an experiment:How do maggots appear on a piece of meat?You will need a controlled.And a Variable.Controlled: Kept in a Sealed Jar.Variable: will be kept on the open, just on a table.Then to compare it, you will need another variable, there are 2 variables.Controlled: sealed JarVariable: Inside a Jar with holes on it.You will find that the Sealed jar does not contain any maggots because the flies cannot get to the meat.And the variables will prove that since the flies had some type of access to it, there will be maggots.
A peregrine falcon flies at 202 mph, making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom.
The fastest flying animal is a peregrine falcon in a dive. The fastest mammal is a flying squirell.The Peregrine Falcon.The falcon is the fastest flyingThe White-throated needletail is the fastest-flying bird in flapping flight with confirmed speeds reaching 111.6 km/h (69.3 mph). However, in a dive the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird reaching speeds over 322 km/h (200 mph). The Peregrine Falcon is not in the top ten fastest when travelling in level flight.
The world's fastest is the Eurocopter X3 , which flies at 300 mph. -( The Apache flies at 227, and Bell's Viper at 255. )
I think the hot water bubble flies fastest than cold water bubble.
You cannot compare these animals. One flies and one runs. The Cheetah is the fastest land animal.
they eat mosquitoes, gnats, and flies :) hope that helped!!
Birds and bats.
Flies don't eat any animals, they do eat bacteria through of animal droplets. But frogs eat flies and there is a plant that also eats flies called japenes fly trap
As the crow flies means in a straight line. The fastest point from point A to point B.
Some speeds, but not necessarily the top: Basilisk Lizard-faster than 1.5 meters per second -Water Top speed of a Cheetah-100�120 km/h or 70 mph -land Peak speed of a galloping Horse-90 km/h Gazelle-50 mph Top speed of an Antelope-80�90 km/h or 50�60 mph Ostrich [the fastest two-legged Animal]-70 km/h or 43 mph Top speed of a running Cat, or Dog-50 km/h or 30 mph Top speed of a running Human. (Asafa Powell's maximum speed in 100m sprint)-36.89 km/h As for the fastest Animal of all, does not run, it flies at 217 mph (349 km/h) -it's the Peregrine Falcon. That is hot While this information ^ is correct, if you want to get technical, for it's size the Tiger Beetle is the fastest Animal/Insect/land Creature, while it only runs approx. 5-7mph, 171 body length per second. If it was the size of a Human, it would run around 300 mph, that's a bit faster than Racecars Fastest Land Mammal is the Cheetah. (info from Butterknife)
Flies use any dead animals as food.