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direct variation or positive correlation.

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12y ago

A positive relationship.

It need not be a linear relationship. The length of the side of a square and its area increase and decrease together. But the relationship is quadratic, not linear. If you double the length you increase the area 4-fold.

It is not direct variation because that requires both of them to be 0 at the same time. For example, the temperature, as measured on the Celsius or Fahrenheit scale increase or decrease together. But the zeros on the two scales are different. So, if you double the C you do not always double the F.

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Q: The relationship between two quantities that increase or decrease together is called?
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What is the relationship between two data sets when their data values increase or decrease together?

It is a positive relationship.

When two variables increase or decrease together in the same ratio they?

Are in direct proportion

What does it mean if two variables have a positive correlation?

If the correlation is positive, as one increases so does the other.

What indicates the direction of a relationship in a linear function?

The slope of the line. A positive slope shows that the two variables increase or decrease together. A negative slope indicates they move in opposite directions. A slope of 0 indicates that the "dependent" variable has the same, constant, value whatever value the independent variable takes.

Why does a correlation not establish a casual relationship between two variables?

Correlation only establishes the fact that the two variables in question change together - either one increases as the other decreases or they both increase together. It is possible that changes in the first cause changes in the second, or that changes in the second cause changes in the first, or that there is some third variable that is causing changes in both. For example, consider an infant and measure its height and vocabulary from age 2 to age 8. In normal circumstances these two variables (height and number of words he or she knows) increase together. But that does not mean that either of these factors causes the other. The obvious culprit here is time or age. Another possible, but less important factor may be nutrition. Whatever! The main point is greater height does not increase the child's vocabulary not does an increased vocabulary increase its height.

Related questions

The relationship between two quantities that increase or decrease together is called what?

The two quantities are porportional.

What is the relationship between two quantities that increase or decrease together?

Direct variation

What is the relationship between two data sets when their data values increase or decrease together?

It is a positive relationship.

What is the relationship between two quantites that increase or decrease together called?

If they increase or decrease exactly, then the constant of proportionality or coefficient of proportionality. If not exactly, then a correlation coefficient.

The relationship between two quantites that increase or decrease together is called?

Variation in direct proportion.

Can the removing of energy increase the volume of a substance because the molecules come closer together?

No. It can increase the volume in some cases, but not BECAUSE the molecules come closer together. If the molecules come closer together, the volume will DECREASE.

When two variables increase or decrease together in the same ratio they?

Are in direct proportion

What does a correlation coefficient of 0.8 mean?

It means that there is a strong positive association between changes in the two variables being studied. Positive association means that the two variables tend to increase together or decrease together. Note that there is no mention of a causal relationship between the variables.

What does a positive correlation between variables x and y imply?

It implies that an increase in x is accompanied by an increase in y. And similarly, they decrease together.

What does the value of a correlation coefficent reflects?

A correlation reflects the strength of the relationship between two variables. A correlation doesn't reflect causation, but merely that two phenomena are present at the same time. The closer the value is to 1, the stronger the relationship between two variables is. This value can be positive or negative. A negative value merely indicates that, as the values on one variable increase, the values on the second variable decrease. A positive correlation indicates that both values will increase or decrease together.

What is addition relationship?

Addition is a mathematical operation that combines two or more numbers to create a sum. In terms of relationships, addition can represent combining or merging two or more quantities or entities together. It is typically used to find the total or final result when multiple quantities are added together.

What is the implication of any correlation found between the variables?

Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.