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parallel lines

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Q: Two lines going in the same direction but will never touch?
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Does a arrowhead have to opposite sides parallel?

No. Parallel means the two lines will never ever touch. Take a square for example, if the top two lines carry on going, they will never touch without changing direction. An arrowhead's lines will never touch because they are both diagonal and they already touch without going any further. Hope this helps. (PS: I learned this in school and obviously it helps!)

Are there parallel dimensions?

a shape where if the opposite lines keep going they never touch.

What is parallel sides?

Two lines that run in the same direction that will never cross or touch. the equal sign is an example ====

Lines that never touch?

Parallel lines

How you check if two lines are parall?

Parallel is lines that never touch so if the lines never touch it is parallel but if so then it is perpendicular.

What can called the lines are parallel?

the lines will never touch

What is it called when lines have the same slop?

If two lines have the same gradient, then this means they are travelling in the same direction. Lines travelling in the same direction will never touch or cross each other even if extended to infinity. Lines with such a property are called "parallel lines." This is assuming they are not just exactly the same line.

What is the name when 2 lines never touch?

the lines are parallel.

Difference between tangent and parallel lines?

parallel lines never touch, never get any closer or any further apart. tangent lines touch at one point

Do parallel lines touch diagonally?

No, they are parallel, which means they never touch.

What is a paralelogram?

lines,rays,and segments that never touch. Kenzie ~ NO! They have to touch!

What is the definition for parallel lines?

two lines that never intersect or touch.