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Q: Vector addition is used when motion involves A. more than one direction. B. more than one velocity. C. more than one speed. D. all of the above?
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The components of a vector or what?

The components of a vector are magnitude and direction.

Direction of vector in space is specified by?

It is an integral part of the vector and so is specified by the vector.

What is the difference between vector addition and algebraic addition?

There is no difference between vector addition and algebraic addition. Algebraic Addition applies to vectors and scalars: [a ,A ] + [b, B] = [a+b, A + B]. Algebraic addition handles the scalars a and b the same as the Vectors A and B

What is the physical significance of null vectors?

Zero vector or null vector is a vector which has zero magnitude and an arbitrary direction. It is represented by . If a vector is multiplied by zero, the result is a zero vector. It is important to note that we cannot take the above result to be a number, the result has to be a vector and here lies the importance of the zero or null vector. The physical meaning of can be understood from the following examples. The position vector of the origin of the coordinate axes is a zero vector. The displacement of a stationary particle from time t to time tl is zero. The displacement of a ball thrown up and received back by the thrower is a zero vector. The velocity vector of a stationary body is a zero vector. The acceleration vector of a body in uniform motion is a zero vector. When a zero vector is added to another vector , the result is the vector only. Similarly, when a zero vector is subtracted from a vector , the result is the vector . When a zero vector is multiplied by a non-zero scalar, the result is a zero vector.

How do you solve for the rate of change in algebra?

The rate of change is often with respect to time t. suppose that d denotes the displacement of a particle, at time t, then you can find the speed with this formula:d=rt, then to solve for r we divide both sides by t and have d/t=rIn mathematics, it is useful to distinguish between velocity and speed. First, when considering motion of a particle in a straight line, specify a positive direction so that it is a directed line. Then the velocity of the particle is positive if it is moving in a positive direction and negative if it is moving in a negative direction. The speed of the particle is the absolute value of its velocity. In more advanced work, when the velocity is a vector v, the speed is the magnitude |v| of the velocity.

Related questions

Vector addition is used when motion involves what?

Vector addition is used when motion involves more than one direction or when two or more velocities are combined. It allows for the calculation of the resultant velocity or displacement of an object moving in multiple directions at once.

How do you combine velocities in the same direction and different direction?

To combine velocities in the same direction, simply add them together. For velocities in different directions, you can use vector addition to find the resultant velocity. This involves breaking the velocities into their respective x and y components and adding them separately.

What are the characteristics of vector quantity?

Vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. They follow the laws of vector addition, where both the magnitude and direction of each vector must be considered. Examples of vector quantities include velocity, force, and acceleration.

Is a vector quantity speed or velocity?

velocity is a vector and speed is a scalar.

Does velocity involve direction?

Yes, velocity involves both speed and direction. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has magnitude (speed) and direction. Thus, velocity not only tells us how fast something is moving but also in which direction it is moving.

What is velocity and why is it a vector?

Velocity is an indication of a speed, including a direction. It is a vector because that is how a vector is defined (a magnitude, including a direction).

What does velocity measures in addition to speed?

Velocity measures the speed of an object in a specific direction. Unlike speed, velocity is a vector quantity that takes into account both the object's speed and the direction it is moving.

The main difference between speed and velocity?

The main difference between speed and velocity involves direction. Velocity involves an object moving in a particular direction.

Does acceleration involve a direction?

Yes, acceleration is a vector quantity that involves both magnitude and direction. It indicates the rate of change of velocity with respect to time and can be positive or negative, depending on whether it is in the same direction as the velocity (positive) or opposite direction (negative).

Acceleration involves a change in what?

It involves the change in velocity, which is a vector quantity, meaning that it is also the change in speed.

Is velocity a vector?

True ,velocity is a vector quantity ,it is specified by a magnitude and direction.

Is momentum a vector or scalar quantity?

Momentum is a vector quantity. We know that momentum is the product of mass and velocity, and velocity has direction. That makes velocity a vector quantity. And the product of a scalar quantity and a vector quantity is a vector quantity.