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Q: Water H2O is composed of hydrogen and oxygen true or false?
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Are proteins composed of subunits called fatty acids and glycerol made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen?

That statement is false.

True or false water is an example of a chemical element?

False. Water is a molecule made of 2 parts hydrogen one part oxygen. NOT AN ELEMENT.

True or false if 25 g of hydrogen is mixed with 25 g of oxygen 50 g of water is formed?


True or false Hydrogen and oxygen atoms have an equal number of electrons?

False, a Hydrogen has 1 electron and Oxygen has 8 electrons

True or false Water is an example of a polar molecule?

True. Water is slightly negative on the oxygen end and slightly positive on the hydrogen's end of the molecule. This is because oxygen is much more electronegative than hydrogen, so the electrons in the covalent bond spend more time around the oxygen.

Is it True or False that water consists of an atom of oxygen that has formed a covalent bond with two atoms of hydrogen?

True. H2O

When elements combine to form compounds their properties do not change.?

False. Hydrogen and oxygen - both gases - combine to form water - a liquid.

State true or false Hydrogen is insoluble in water?

False False False FalseFalse

Is this true or false oxygen is the most prevalent gas?

False. Hydrogen is the most common gas in the universe.

Is it true that in a water molecule the electrons within the molecule are attracted more towards the hydrogen atoms?

Water is a polar molecule where the electrons spend more time in orbitals around the oxygen atom because it is significantly more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms. So, false is the answer.

Does the attraction of opposite charges between hydrogen and oxygen forms a weak bond?

no, this is false it forms a hydrogen bond.

How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of an oxygen atom as it shares electrons with hydrogen atoms as part of water molecule?

In water molecules there are 2 atoms of hydrogen of and 1 atom of oxygen present. each hydrogen atom shares 1 electron with the oxygen atom. So the total number of electrons shared with oxygen are 2,total no. of electrons shared by hydrogen is 2 and the total no. of electrons shared by each hydrogen atom is 1.