all the lines on a triangle are equal and the opposite sides are parallel
An equilateral triangle- a triangle with 3 equal sides, so the triangle would have 3 congruent angles as well.A trick to remember this: the word equal is sort of in the word equilateral.
No. A pentagon has 5 sides and a triangle has 3 sides.
An EQUILATERAL Triangle. Two lines of symmetry is ISOSCELES Triangle No lines of symmetyry is SCALENE Triangle.
3 angles in a triangle
Area of Equilateral Triangle A= S2 * (Root 3)/4, where A= Area of the triangle S= Side of the triangle.
A triangle has 3 sides A triangle has 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees A triangle has 3 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees A triangle can be a scalene A triangle can be an obtuse A triangle can be a right angle A triangle can be an isosceles A triangle can be an equilateral
A triangle is a closed area with 3 sides and 3 angles. The interior angles add up to 1800 and the exterior angles add up to 3600.
It has 3 sides It has 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees It will tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps
All triangles have 3 sides and 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees and are classified as follows:- Scalene triangle has 3 different acute angles Obtuse triangle has an obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles Right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle Isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides and 2 equal base angles Equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides and 3 equal 60 degree angles
looawawer The sides are of equal lengths and the internal angles are each 60 degrees.
1. It has three angles that are unequal 2. Its has three unequal sides
a triangle
A triangle has 3 angles and 3 sides, which is why it is called a TRIangle.
There are 3 angles in a triangle.
A triangle.
A triangle has 3 vertices.
In an equilateral triangle: 3 In an isosceles triangle: 1 In a scalene triangle: 0