

Best Answer

1 Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds

2 Angles greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees are acute

3 Angles of 90 degrees are right angles

4 Angles greater the 90 but less than 180 degrees are obtuse

5 Angles greater than 180 but less than 360 degrees are reflex

6 Angle of 360 degrees is a full rotation

7 Triangles are 3 sided polygons

8 Triangles have 3 inside angles that add up to 180 degrees

9 Triangles have 3 outside angles that add up to 360 degrees

10 Triangle that is scalene has 3 different acute angles

11 Triangle that is a right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles

12 Triangle that is obtuse has 1 obtuse angle and 2 acute angles

13 Triangle that is isosceles has 2 equal base angles and 2 equal sides

14 Triangle that is equilateral has 3 equal inside angles and 3 equal sides

15 Triangles have no diagonals

16 Triangles will tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps

17 Triangle's area is 0.5*base*perpendicular height

18 Triangle's perimeter is the sum of its 3 sides

19 Triangle as a right angle triangle is subject to Pythagoras' theorem

20 Triangles are subject to the rules of trigonometry

21 Triangles are the corner stones of all other polygons

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Q: What are a score or more facts about the properties of angles and triangles?
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What are a score or more facts relevant to triangles?

They are as follows:- 1 Triangles are 2 dimensional polygon shapes 2 Triangles have 3 sides 3 Triangles may have acute angles greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees 4 Triangles may have right angles which are 90 degrees 5 Triangles may have obtuse angles greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees 6 Triangles have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees 7 Triangles have 3 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees 8 Triangles can be scalene which have 3 acute angles 9 Triangles can be right angled with a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles 10 Triangles can be obtuse with 1 obtuse angle and 2 acute angles 11 Triangles can be isosceles with 2 equal angles and another angle 12 Triangles can be equilateral with 3 equal angles of 60 degrees 13 Triangles have no diagonals 14 Triangles will tessellate 15 Triangles have lines of symmetry when they are isosceles or equilateral 16 Triangles have perimeters which is the sum of their 3 sides 17 Triangles have areas which is 0.5*base*altitude 18 Triangles can be used with Pythagoras' theorem if they are right angled 19 Triangles can be used in conjunction with trigonometry 20 Triangles are found in all other polygons 21 Triangles and their properties were known by the ancient Greeks 22 Triangles can be made into musical instruments

What are a score or more facts regarding angles and triangles?

1 Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds 2 Angles are found and formed with a protractor 3 Angles can be bisected with a compass 4 Angles are classified into 4 categories:- 5 An acute angle is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees 6 A right angle is 90 degrees 7 An obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees 8 A reflex angle is greater than 180 but less than 360 degrees 9 An angles full rotation is 360 degrees 10 There are 180 degrees on a straight line 11 Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees 12 Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees 13 Triangles are polygons with 3 closed sides 14 Triangles have 3 exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees 15 Triangles have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees 16 Triangles are classified into 5 categories:- 17 Scalene which has 3 acute angles 18 Right angle which has a 90 degree angle and 2 acute angles 19 Obtuse which has an obtuse angle and 2 acute angles 20 Isosceles which has 2 equal base angles and an apex angle 21 Equilateral which has 3 equal 60 degree angles 22 Angles and triangles are the foundation stones of all polygons

What are a score or more facts that a square and a rectangle have in common?

A square is a special type of rectangle; therefore it has all the properties of a rectangle. Any property that a rectangle has, a square has as well. This includes the facts that it has four right angles (that's where the name "rectangle" comes from), that opposite sides are parallel, that opposite sides have the same length, and that diagonals have the same length.

What are a score or more facts relevant to the geometrical triangle and its properties?

I suggest you take a look at the Wikipedia article on "triangle", or at some similar source. I am sure you can find lots of interesting facts there.

What are a score or more facts about the geometrical properties of a rhombus?

1 It's a 2 dimensional polygon 2 It belongs to the class of polygons known as quadrilaterals 3 Its 4 sides are equal in length 4 It has 2 pairs of equal opposite parallel sides 5 Its exterior angles add up to 360 degrees 6 It has 2 equal opposite acute angles 7 It has 2 equal opposite obtuse angles 8 Its 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees 9 It has 2 diagonals that meet at right angles 10 It can be divided into 2 isosceles triangles 11 It can be divided into 4 right angle triangles 12 It has 4 vertices which is the plural of vertex 13 It has a perimeter which is the sum of its 4 sides 14 It will tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps 15 It has an area which is: 0.5 times the product of its diagonals 16 It has 2 lines of symmetry 17 It's subject to the rules and laws of trigonometry 18 It can form the unified cross-section of a prism 19 It has rotational symmetry to the order of 2 20 Its properties can be found given only 1 side length and 1 exterior angle 21 Its properties were well known by the ancient Babylonians and Greeks

What are a score or more facts about an equilateral triangle and its properties?

1 It's a 3 sided 2 dimensional shape with 3 vertices 2 It belongs to the class of polygons known as triangles 3 Its 3 sides are equal in length 4 It has 3 interior angles each measuring 60 degrees 5 Its interior angles add up to 180 degrees in common with other triangles 6 Its 3 exterior angles add up to 360 degrees 7 It has 3 lines of symmetry 8 It has rotational symmetry to the order of 3 9 It has no diagonal lines, perpendicular lines or parallel lines 10 It has a perimeter which is the sum of its 3 sides 11 It has an area which is 0.5*base*altitude 12 It can be split into 2 right angle triangles 13 It can tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps 14 It's subjected to Pythagoras' theorem 15 It's subjected to the rules of trigonometry 16 Its best friends are scalene, obtuse, right angle and isosceles triangles 17 It can form the cross-section of a triangular prism 18 It can form the base of a tetrahedron pyramid 19 It can be doubled up into a 4 sided quadrilateral 20 It fits perfectly within a circle 21 Its point of equilibrium or balance is at its centre

What are a score or more facts applicable to a parallelogram?

1 It's a 2 dimensional shape with 4 sides 2 It belongs to the class of polygons known as quadrilaterals 3 It has 2 equal opposite interior obtuse angles 4 It has 2 opposite interior acute angles 5 Its interior angles add up to 360 degrees 6 It has 2 equal obtuse and 2 equal acute exterior angles 7 Its exterior angles add up to 360 degrees 8 It has 2 pairs of parallel sides 9 It has 2 diagonals of different lengths 10 It will tessellate 11 It has no lines of symmetry 12 It has rotational symmetry to the order of 2 13 It has a perimeter which is the sum of its 4 sides 14 It has an area which is its length times its perpendicular height 15 Its best friend is the rectangle which technically is a parallelogram 16 Its other friend is the rhombus which has some of its properties 17 It and its friends can form the cross-section of a prism 18 It can be be congruent or similar to other parallelograms 19 It can be split into 2 triangles 20 It can be subjected to trigonometry 21 It and its friends can undergo transformations on the Cartesian plane 22 It and its friends have cyclic properties within a circle

What are a score or more attributes of a scalene triangle?

1 It's a 2 dimensional 3 sided triangular polygon 2 Its 3 sides are of different lengths 3 Its smallest sides added together are greater than its longest side 4 It has 3 interior angles of different sizes that add up to 180 degrees 5 Its 3 exterior angles add up to 360 degrees 6 It can have 1 obtuse angle and 2 different acute angles 7 It can have a right angle and 2 different acute angles 8 It can have 3 different acute angles 9 It has no diagonals 10 It will tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps 11 It has no lines of symmetry 12 It has no order of rotational symmetry 13 It has a perimeter which is the sum of its 3 sides 14 It has an area which is: 0.5*base*perpendicular altitude 15 It can be congruent or similar to other scalene triangles 16 Its angles can be labeled A,B,C with opposite sides of a,b,c respectively 17 It's subject to the rules and laws of trigonometry 18 Its area can also be: 0.5*a*b*sinC 19 Its sine rule is: a/sinA = b/sinB = c/sinC 20 Its cosine rule is: a^2 = b^2+c^2 -2bc*cosA 21 Its properties can be found given only 2 sides and an 'included angle'

What are at least a score or more factual facts about geometrical angles and their properties?

Maureen SimpsonImproved Answer:-1 Angles are calculated in degrees, minutes and seconds2 Angles are measured with a protractor3 Angles can be bisected with a compass and a straight edge4 Angles greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees are acute5 Angles of 90 degrees are right angles6 Angles greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees are obtuse7 Angles greater then 180 degrees are reflex8 Angles around a polygon add up to 360 degrees9 Angles inside a polygon are: (n-2)×180 degrees where 'n' is number of sides10 Angles around a point add up to 360 degrees11 Angle of an arc's radian is about 57.3 degrees12 Angle of elevation is looking upwards to an object13 Angle of depression is looking downwards at an object14 Angles of 90 degrees are formed by perpendicular lines15 Angles are equal vertical opposite when formed by crossed lines16 Angles are complementary when they add up to 90 degrees17 Angles are supplementary when they add up to 180 degrees18 Angles around a circle add up to 360 degrees19 Angles are formed when a transversal line cuts through parallel lines20 Angles are equal when they are corresponding21 Angles are equal when they are alternate22 Angles are allied on the interior transversal line23 Angles are the basics of trigonometry24 Angles are formed by the shadow of the Sun25 Angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees

What are ten facts about soccer?

1. you have to score in the opponents goal with anything but your hands

What are a score or more facts about the properties of a quadrilateral?

1 It's known as a quadrilateral because it has 4 sides 2 It can be a regular polygon in the form of a square having 4 equals sides and angles 3 It has 2 diagonals 4 It will tessellate leaving no gaps or overlaps 5 Its perimeter is the sum of its 4 sides 6 It can be in the shape of a rhombus or a parallelogram 7 In can form the shape of a kite 8 It can be a rectangle having 4 equal right angles of 90 degrees 9 It can be in the form of a trapezoid or a trapezium 10 It can be an isosceles trapezoid having 1 line of vertical symmetry 11 Its area is normally base times perpendicular height 12 It has 4 lines of symmetry in the shape as a square 13 Its area is 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height if it is a trapezoid 14 Its diagonal meet at right angles in the form of a rhombus 15 Its diagonals meet at right angles in the form of a kite 16 Its diagonals intersect at right angles when square shaped 17 Its area is 0.5*product of its diagonals if they meet at right angles 18 It can form two triangles 19 Its 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees 20 It's subject to the rules of trigonometry 21 It can be similar to other quadrilaterals having the same angles and proportionally similar dimensions

Where is the oboe usually written on an orchestral score?

Below the flutes and above the cor angles, and Clarinets.