Booleans are used mostly in computer programming/coding. They can only have values of true or false (Sometimes represented as 1 and 0).
Combines two booleans and returns true if either condition is met
IF you use them THEN they might OR they might NOT AND then again they might...
The data types are grouped into this categories: Booleans Integers Floating point numbers Strings Arrays Objects
Programmers have to declare various data types while coding in order to inform the computer how to handle them. The types include numbers, arrays, characters, booleans and structures.
It is definitely possible. I've done it is my method:Create a program that captures an image of the game window. Then, have the program convert the image to black and white, and then an array of booleans, representing either white or black with either 0 or 1. Then, manually, write down the strings or 1s and 0s for each horizontal row of a word (VERY time-consuming). Insert this into an array in the program, have it search the array of booleans, and locate the word. Then, have the program drag the words to the others. For me, this works half the time.
Examples of primitive data types include integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and booleans. These data types are basic building blocks in programming languages and are typically directly supported by the hardware.
A boolean is a variable type that can only be two different values True or False same as it is in most programming languages but in C# booleans are stated as: public bool var = True; or public bool var = False;
A primitive variable can be one of eight types: char, boolean, byte, short, int, long, double, or float. Once a primitive has been declared, its primitive type can never change, although in most cases its value can change.Primitive Data Type Ranges in JavaData TypeBits UsedMinimum ValueMaximum Valuebyte8-2727 - 1short16-215215 -1int32-231231 -1long64-263263 -1float32n/an/adouble64n/an/aThe range for these floating point numbers is difficult to determine. Booleans and char type variables do not have a range. Booleans can be either true or false and chars can be only one character in size Ex: "A" or "B" etc
A data type tends to mean a primitive data type. Primitive data are built-in data types, such as integers, characters and Booleans. They are basic constructs of the language (that is, they are built into the language). Primitive data also tends to be of a strict data type, meaning you can't treat characters like integers or Booleans like integers, etc., although some languages will support implicit casting of primitive data types (for example, will treat Booleans like integers if you use a Boolean in an arithmetic operation). Abstract data types are generally constructed by the user or by a higher level language. For example, you might create a currency data type, which generally acts like a float but always has a precision of 2 decimal places and implements special rules about how to round off fractions of a cent. Abstract data types also often contain the ability to either be treated as a specific type of primitive data in certain circumstances (for example, many languages allow you to treat strings as character arrays); or contain certain rules / methods to manipulate their data (such as a programming language allowing you to cast a float as an integer). A data structure is a gathering together of many different data types. For example, objects and arrays are data structures. Data structures usually can contain information of many different types (such as strings, integers, Booleans) at the same time, and in more complex structures -- namely, classes -- can contain specific methods, properties and events to manipulate that data, change its type, etc.
This all depends on the value you want to hold. A byte, short, int and long all store integers with increasing upper limits, respectively. Floats and doubles hold numbers with mantissas, decimal places. Booleans hold true or false values. Characters hold a character (alpha-numeric values). Strings (not primitive data types but treated as such) hold a list of characters.
Primitive data types like int, float etc are available for us to perform primitive data type operations like addition, subtraction, comparison etc. But since Java is an object oriented language, there are many features in java where such primate data types cannot be used. Only objects can be used. So for using the features of such data types there also we have wrapper classes that would create objects for these primitive data types.
An else statement is comparing to items, while a switch statement is used to compare multiple items. So if you need multiple results from one statement use a switch but for booleans or very specific functions use a if else statement. Else If ex. if(a=6){System.out.println("It is six");} else(){System.out.println("It is not six");} Switch ex. switch(a){ case 1: System.out.println("it is one"); break; case 2: System.out.println("it is two"); break; default: System.out.println("it is not one or two"); break; } Basically a switch is a good way to check against a lot of possibilities.