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Q: What are real numbers in an algebraic expression called?
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What is the real life algebraic expression?

An algebraic expression has two or more terms and does not contain an equality sign.

What does practical meaning mean in an algebraic expression?

How is it related to real life A real life example

What is the importance of algebraic expression in connection to real situation?

Sorry, I Don't Know :))

What is a decimal that does not show a repeating pattern called?

These numbers, such as pi, are known as trancendentalnumbers, because they represent a value that is not the solution of an algebraic equation or a quotient using real numbers.

What does it mean if a number is transcendental?

It means that it is not algebraic... that is, it is not the root of a polynomial expression with rational coefficients.There are infinitely more transcendental numbers than algebraic numbers, but only a few are of any practical importance... most prominently pi and e, the base of the natural logarithms.All (real) transcendental numbers are irrational, but not all irrational numbers are transcendental. For example, the square root of two is irrational, but it is not transcendental as it is a root of the equation x2 - 2 = 0, a polynomial expression with rational coefficients.

is 0.656565656565 a rational number?

Some real numbers - such as √2 - are the roots of polynomials with integer coefficients. These are known as algebraic numbers. Irrational numbers are any real numbers that are not rational.

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What are the three kinds of numbers?

Real numbers, imaginary numbers and irrational numbers are three kinds of numbers. Others are rational numbers, algebraic numbers and primes numbers. There are many more.

What is the answer to this -5-12i?

This is a complex number, not an algebraic expression. The letter i represents the imaginary unit (which is equal to sqrt(-1)). Graphiclly, with real numbers on a horizontal axis, and imaginary numbers on a vertical axis, this means starting at the origin, go to the left 5 units, and then go down 12 units.

All integers are aslo?

All integers are also whole numbers that are rational

What is the purpose of zero number?

It is the identity for addition of real numbers. It is a place holder which allows simpler expression of numbers.

What family of real numbers does the square root of 10 belong to?

Among other things, it belongs to the following sets: positive numbers; irrational numbers; algebraic numbers.