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Q: What are some spanish cognates for w x y z?
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Any spanish cognates starting with w x and z?

I can't think of any Spanish words that start with k that are cognates. It would have to be something that is exactly the same, like karate.

What are some Spanish words that start with w x and y?

xilófonoxenofobiaxenófoboyateyugoyugoslaviawhiski (nowadays, this spelling is accepted in Spanish)Other workds I can think in Spanish with a W are mainly names..

W varies directly as x and inversely as y?

W = k (x/y)'k' is some constant number.

What are some Spanish words that start with the letter X?


What are some spanish words that start with w x and t?

tortilla, torta, tres, trece, treinta, tu, te, tu/s, tuyo/a/s, tarea, taza, Xavier

Why are the equations w-x plus xw and w plus x-xw called identities?

w - x + x = wand w + x - x = w are true for all values of w and x and that is why they are called identities.

Why are the equation w-x plus xw and w plus x-xw called identities?

w - x + x = wand w + x - x = w are true for all values of w and x and that is why they are called identities.

What are some animals that begin with the letter f x w?

F: Fox, Frog, X: Xenops, Xantus W: Wallaby, Woodpecker

What spanish words have x in them?

Some Spanish words that have the letter "x" in them are "extranjero" (foreigner), "examen" (exam), and "excepción" (exception).

What is x when x plus y equals w?

if x + y = w, then x = w - y

Words that start with w x y z in spanish?

In Spanish, words that start with "w" include: "weber", "whisker", "western". Words that start with "x" include: "xilófono", "xenofobia". Words that start with "y" include: "yo", "yoga", "yugo". Words that start with "z" include: "zapato", "zoológico", "zumo".

What are the dimensions of duvets?

Duvet dimensions can vary by manufacturer. Some common dimensions are, twin 64 W x 86 L, full 76 W x 86 L, queen 86 W x 90 L, and king 102 W x 90 L.