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In the field of engineering matrices,generally has various uses.specifically in the field of ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING it is used isolving the problems that arises in is also used in solving probles used in making communication materials like cell phones,computers etc.., for problems regarding manupulation of mother boards in systems and other communication articles.

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Q: What are the applications of matrices in field of ece?
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Applications of matrices in the field of electronics and communication engineering?

A prime example of matrices (plural) being used in computers if in computer graphics and rendering where matrices are used in 3D work for transformations like rotation, scaling and translations. Although I'm sure there are plenty more fields in computer science where matrices may be used.

Is it ece is equvalent to eee?

With EEE we can go to electrical field and software field. but in ECE we can go to electrical, software and communication field like ISRO etc....

How mathematics use in your everyday life?

applications of mathematics in ECE

What has the author Toshinori Munakata written?

Toshinori Munakata has written: 'Matrices and linear programming with applications' -- subject(s): Linear programming, Matrices 'Solutions manual for Matrices and linear programming'

What has the author S S Agaian written?

S. S. Agaian has written: 'Hadamard matrices and their applications' -- subject(s): Hadamard matrices

What are the applications of matrices?

we can measure the expansion of the world by matrices cause in magnetic fields vectors can be streched up to a certain limit which are the eigen values.

What are the application of matrices in field of engineering?

Matrices have a wider application in engineering. Many problems can be transformed in to simultaneous equation and their solution can easily be find with the help of matrices.

Which is the best between ECE and EEE?

both are good in their field.

Which has better future ece or mechanical engineering?

Mechanical Engineering has a good scope than ece....ece is all about electric devices and communication devices.......even mechanical engineer can do some of that job....mechanical can go in any field even in IT field if you are good at i vote for mechanical......

Which is better ece or eee or eie?

The choice between ECE (Electronics and Communication Engineering), EEE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering), and EIE (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering) depends on your career interests and goals. ECE deals with communication systems and electronics, EEE focuses on electrical systems and technologies, while EIE combines electronics and instrumentation for industrial applications. Consider which field aligns best with your interests and career aspirations for determining which is better for you.

What are the core subjects for ece?

electromagnetic field theory,digital electronics,signal and system,electronic devices and circuits,microprocessor etc.whgat r the subjects in ece

Is mechanical better than electronics and communication?

no electronics & communication is better than the mechanical as their are more opportunity available in field of ECE then mechanical, the man having degree in ECE can go either in communication field or in electronics field and even in software field.please give your comment on this answer and add into it if you can.