

What are the basic rules of exponents?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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In order to add or subtract numbers with exponents, the exponents must be the same.

In order to multiply numbers with exponents, you complete the multiplication and add the exponents.

In order to divide numbers with exponents, you complete the division, and subtract the bottom exponent from the top exponent.


Addition: 4.6 x 107 + 2.5 x 109 = 0.046 x 109 + 2.5 x 109 = 2.546 x 109

Subtraction: 6.7 x 108 - 2.1 x 105 = 6.7 x 108 - 0.0021 x 108 = 6.66979 x 108

Multiplication: 5.3 x 102 x 8.4 x 106 = 44.52 x 102+6 = 44.52 x 108 = 4.452 x 109

Division: 6.2 x 1012/3.1 x 106 = 2.0 x 1012-6 = 2.0 x 106

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No. The four basic binary operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

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Parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction.

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1. Find the value of the exponent. 2. Multiply or divide normally.

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