

Best Answer

Several ways:

  • Smallest 3 digit integer
  • Log10(Googol)
  • A perfect square
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Q: What are two ways to classify the number 100?
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How do you write 14.23 in two ways?

14.23 = 1423/100 or as 14 and 23/100

Why isn't 3.14 an irrational number?

A rational number is a real number which can be expressed as a division of two integers. A real number which is not rational is called irrational. Since 3.14 = 314/100 and 314 & 100 are integers it is a rational number.

How many three digit numbers can be formed such that the sum of the digits is 6?

21 ways assuming no leading zeros, that is the smallest possible number with three digits is 100 Otherwise if leading zeros are allowed, it is 28 ways. For three digit numbers the first digit can be 1-6. Leaving the remaining two digits to be 6-value_of_first_digit. For first digit 6, the remain two digits sum to 0 which means they can only be 00, ie the number 600 - 1 number For first digit 5, the remain two digits sum to 1 which means they can be 01 or 10, ie the numbers 501, 510 - 2 numbers For first digit 4, the remain two digits sum to 2 which means they can be 02. 11, 20, ie the numbers 402, 411, 420 - 3 numbers etc It can be seen that the number of ways of making a two digit number (with leading zeros) sum to a number less than 10 is the required sum plus 1. So for the remaining first digits, the number of ways are: 3 -> 4 ways, 2 -> 5 ways, 1 -> 6 ways. Thus the total number of ways is 1 + 2 + .. + 6 = 21 If leading zeros are permitted, so that, for example, 060 (60) and 006 (6) are considered as three digits numbers, then there are a further 7 ways with a first digit of 0, making a total 28 ways.

What are the pairs of prime factorization with a difference of 2 in 100?

The prime factorization of 100 is 2x2x5x5. There are no pairs of prime factorization with a difference of two in the number 100.

How do you change a whole number into a percent?

To change a number into a percent, multiply that number by 100%. Let's do some. 1 => 1 x 100% = 100% 1/2 => 1/2 x 100% = 50% 3/5 => 3/5 x 100% = 60% 9 => 9 x 100% = 900% 62 => 62 x 100% = 6200% It really is that simple.In order to change a whole number into a percent, you need to move the decimal place (if not apparent it is at the end) over two decimal places to the left. Example: to turn 39 into a percent, you move the decimal place 39. over two to make the new number .39.You can also divide the number by 100, this will get you the same answer. Personally, I find it easier to just move the two decimal places.