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A function calculates a value based on some other values (or several values), using some rule. The only rule that functions must follow is that the value calculated for the function must be uniquely defined.

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Q: What basic math rule do the functions follow?
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What is a sorting rule in math?

sorting rule means sort out according to size and kind

What does function rule mean in math?

The rule of a function in math is what relates the input value to the output value. For example, if f(x) = x2, the "function rule" is to square the input value to get the output value.

How do you find a rule and write the missing number for each table for addition and subtraction expressions?

1. look at the numbers 2. find a math pattern to follow 3. try your pattern with all the numbers 4. if it doesn't work try a different math pattern

What is the meaning of roster method?

* The roster process of math is the list or diagram of the ordered elements, when the rule is the equivalent form which will be using the choice of elements from a domain matching a rule. * The Roster process is one of four ways of representing that the elements of a set using brackets, {}.For example, all even numbers under 16 would be represented as : {2,4,6,8,10,12,14}. * The roster process is often associated with 'roster & rule' this is a way of finding a rule that the elements of a set follow. Sets can be usually comprise any list of items or numbered lists.

What is the product and quotient rules?

Hi, I cannot solve your problem, but I'd like to recommend a website that was very helpful for my daughter(click the 'Brightstorm math' link in the related links list). Her math teacher recommended it and she is using it whenever she has a hard time understanding a math concept. It has a lot of math video lessons on various topics from Algebra through Calculus, hopefully including the one you need help with. It is all free with a simple registration. Hope it will help you, too. Good luck with your math study!

Related questions

What is a definition for rule in math?

the definition of rule in math is what step you need to answer a question. what should you do to answer a have to follow the rule to able to answer a problem..for example :-to find the area of a circle. you have to follow the formula of the circle . which is A= radius square pi. if u follow the rule your answer will be correct.....

How a function work you will have to find the the functions follow as it turn inputs in to output?


How putting a equation into Quadratic equation?

You just have to follow the rule of quadratic functions. Example y = mx+b is the rule for linear functions. ax^2+bx+c is the rule of quadratic equation.

What is a irregular sentence?

verbs that do not follow the basic rule when making past tense and or plural form

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How should you speak to others?

A basic rule I try to follow, is that I try to speak to people how I would like to spoken to.

what is the rule of math?

The first rule of math is to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

What is kadema's rule in math?

Kadema's Rule

What are some of the basic safety rule pedestrians should follow?

look to the left and the right before stepping off any curb.

What is the basic rule for Muslim to follow to go to heaven?

Muslim has to follow Quran and Sunnah (sayings and practices of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him). Accordingly he/she should follow Islam teachings. Refer to questions below for more information.

How much cost the first computer?

It depends on what you consider a 'computer. In the early '70s (72, 73 or thereabouts) Texas Instruments introduced their first microprocessor calculators. As I recall, they did not do much more than basic math functions and they were not cheap (over $80 I believe). I stuck with my reliable 'Picket' aluminum slide rule!

What in math is the rule?

there is no rule i think my teacher said its about the pattern