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Q: What can you find in a swamp area?
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What is the area of Lakeville Swamp?

The area of Lakeville Swamp is 307,561.0881024 square meters.

What is the area of Benger Swamp?

The area of Benger Swamp is 5,800,000.0 square meters.

What is the area of Bear Swamp Preserve?

The area of Bear Swamp Preserve is 1,254,525.490944 square meters.

What is the area of Hell Hole Swamp?

The area of Hell Hole Swamp is 8,599,569.8976 square meters.

What is the area of Bergen-Byron Swamp?

The area of Bergen-Byron Swamp is 8,093,712.8448 square meters.

What are largest swamps in the US?

The largest swamp in the United States is the Atchafalaya Swamp. This swamp is located in Louisiana and covers an area of 260,000 acres.

Where do you find Murkrow on Pokemon HeartGold?

The safari zone (swamp area)You can find Murkrow at:Route 7,Route 16Safari Zone

Where would you find a turtle?

Usually in a forest on land crawling near a swamp area usually in summer

What is the area of Basket Swamp National Park?

The area of Basket Swamp National Park is 28.2 square kilometers.

What is the area of Phinizy Swamp Nature Park?

The area of Phinizy Swamp Nature Park is 4,451,542.06464 square meters.