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Q: What country issued a 1979 2 pence with windmill on one side 3 lions on other?
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What country is the basenji from?

Africa where they are used to hunt lions and other game animals

In what country and type of jungle do lions live?

Lions are found in a number of places. African lions keep mainly to the African savannas whereas mountain lions are found in wild areas where there are game animals present in the United States and other places in North and South America.

Why won't a windmill turn?

A windmill may not turn if there is not enough wind to drive its blades. Other reasons could be mechanical issues with the windmill or its components. Regular maintenance and monitoring are important for optimal performance.

What are the difference between credit cards issued by Islamic banks and credit cards issued by conventional banks?

There may be a restriction on funds transfer in other countries or other currencies. Some countries have currency controls which means credit cards issued in those countries may not be used to pay for transactions outside of the country. Even if they do allow transactions outside the country where the card was issued, they almost certainly will not allow transactions that take place in Israel.

What do lions do to protect themselves?

Lions do not have predators except for other lions and human beings. They protect themselves from humans by hiding and running when they see us. They protect themselves from other lions by either doing the same thing, or by fighting the other lions.

Do lions live Australia?

Lions are indigenous to Africa. Other than the lions in the zoo, lions do not live in Australia.

What are the home countries for mountain lions?

Mountain lions are found only in North America. They are also called cougars, pumas and panthers and other names. They are found in Western Canada, Western US, all of Central America and the wooded and mountain regions of every country in South America.

Why do lions fight with other lions?

Mostly because of food and who gets control of the female lions.

What is the difference between battle of cowshed and battle of windmill in animal farm?

the Battle of Cowshed was when the animals rebelled against the farmers (Mr.Jones) to drive them off. the battle of the windmill was when the animals fought fredreich and other humans. It was also when the windmill was ruined.

Why do lions fight?

Lions and other lions fight to see who is the strongest. They also fight to see who will eat first and to protect their young from other prides.

Do white lions have a difference with other lions?

White lions are white and other lions aren't

What was blamed for blowing down the windmill in Animal Farm by George Orwell?

Snowball was blamed for blowing down the windmill. He was chased away by Napoleans secret police ( the dogs ) and told the other animals a lie that he destroyed the windmill to gain leadership of the farm.