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How many millimeters of whatever medication is in the syringe

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: What do the numbers on the syringe mean?
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How do you determine the newton?

Generally, using a Newton Metre which is basically a spring in a syringe type thing with numbers on the side :)

How do you spell sriynge?

it is spelt 'syringe'

How do you read the amount of medicine in a syringe in a syringe?

The same way you read ANY syringe. From (, if you click on the image of the 10ml syringe, you'll see the markings on the barrel. You measure the units of fluid from the needle side back to the plunger - so as you pull back the plunger you draw in "x" ml's of fluid as marked from the needle back. Standard safety procedures surrounding the use of a syringe should always be followed, and in no way is this short answer a full and complete explanation of how to correctly/safely use a syringe.

Use the word syringe in a sentence?

Syringe.................Some people use a syringe with drugs

How can a person defense himself with a syringe?

I don't know how you mean by defend with a syringe but im assuming yes, if it is a ^dirty^ needle? I highly advise that wouldn't be a good idea, we have aids to much already

What is meant by syringe compatibility of drugs?

Syringe compatibility is simply whether you can mix medications in the same syringe

How much is .3ml in a 1.875 syringe?

0.3 ml in a 1.875 ml syringe is equal to 16% of the syringe's capacity.

Who is going to buy disposable syringe?

Anyone who needs a syringe.

What those hypodermic mean?

Hypodermic is of or relating to the region immediately beneath the skin or a hypodermic syringe or injection.

How do you pronounce the word syringe?

The word syringe is pronounced "suh-RINJ".

What the function of syringe?

Is it to push and pull the gas into the syringe or something else?

What is difference between in a ml syringe and cc syringe?

The spelling and the meaning