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It is latin for IN GOD WE TRUST

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Q: What does E plurbus ubum mean?
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What does the Latin words E Plurbus Unum stand for?

E Pluribus Unum means, "Out of many, one".

What has to be on a coin?


What is the value of E plurbus unum 1881 liberty head coin worth?

A denomination is needed, post new question.

How much is a 1901 e plurbus unum?

E-PLURIBUS-UNUM is not the name or type of ANY coin. It's a national motto. Post new question and include the denomination.

What is the value of a Plurbus 1897?

Be more specific.

How much is a e plurbus unum silver dollar 1922 worth?

The coin is NOT an E PLURIBUS UNUM silver dollar, it's a PEACE dollar (1921-1935) and assuming the coin is circulated and has no mintmark, retail values are $16.00-$22.00 the 1922 coin is the highest mintage most common date of the series

What side of the E Plurbus Unum coin can I find the mintmark?

That phrase is found on many U.S. coins, so there is not enough information in your question to give a specific answer. That said, on the majority of U.S. coins, the mint mark is on the reverse side if it's dated 1964 or earlier, and on the obverse side 1968 and after.

How much is a 1924 e plurbus unum coin worth?

Please check your pocket change. ALL U.S. coins carry that motto so it doesn't ID a coin. Post a new question with the coin's denomination. There may be a small D or S mint mark as well. If that's present, please include it in your posting.

What does service E mean for Mercedes?

Service e mean

What does e on p mean?

What do you mean in your question What does e on p means?

What is a e chord?

If you mean what are the notes, it's E, G#, and B. Added: if you mean an E major chord.

What does E and EO mean?

See "E and O E"