Do you mean 33? It means 3 to the 3rd power. The little number above tells you how many times you're supposed to multiply the big number with itself. In this case it will be
3 beats per measure
An exponent. For example: 53 5 is the base number and the little 3 above the five is an exponent. Exponents represent the number of times the base value is multiplied by itself. So the above example shows that 5 is multiplied by itself 3 times: 5 x 5 x 5 = 53 = 125.
Algebra is the basis of maths you can use it to solve unknown terms such as x. For example: 3x - 3 = 0 3x = 3 x = 1
the 2 is the symbol for squared. it means that you multiply that amount of feet by itself, to get square feet. like 3x3=9, or 9= the square of 3, or 3=the square root of 9.
the average, so the average - 3
what does s mean in maths example 5s+3=33 so what does the s equal
It is an integer which is the successor to the integer 3.
Means x = 3
a triangle, a 3 sided figure, a figure with 3 points, etc.
3 x 3 x 3 = 27 27 is the cube of 3. 3 is the cube root of 27.
More correctly in Maths. it is the MEAN. Hence mean -= (12 + 16 + 23) / 3 means = 51/3 mean = 17 .
It means what's left over after a division as for example 18/5 = 3 with a remainder of 3
- What does Ran# mean in maths? Ran# is a scientific way of describing a number with "3 digits before the point" (Thousandths) Below are some examples of Ran#: 0.835, 0.196, 0.166, 0.764
Treble means times 3. Similar to double, which means times 2.
It is the amount of three dimensional space occupied by a 3-d shape.
It could mean a 1/2 (half) or 2/3 (two thirds) of something. Or it could mean the division sign in maths. 12/4=3 (12 divided by 4 equals 3).