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A rather random zig-zag, probably.

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Q: What does a graph look like if there is no relationship between variables?
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What is used to show the relationshhip between two variables?

A scatterplot, if the relationship is inexact - like height and weight. A line graph for exact relationships. An equation or function may be used for exact relationships.

If the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable is a direct proportion what will a line graph of this relationship look like?

Straight line.

If the relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable is a direct proportion. What will a line graph of this look like?

straight line

What does a graph with a quadratic relationship look like?

Like a parabola. Not "like": it would be.

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Depending on the quantities, it can be anything that you like!

The shape of the graph of an inverse relationship?

If two variables are inversely related, then a graph showing their relationship should be shaped like a hyperbola. A hyperbola will start out really high, drop a lot in a short distance, then drop less and less as the graph goes further to the right. It looks similar to an exponential decay function, but less extreme. Here is an example of what one could look like: (In most practical applications, only the right side of the graph would be shown.)

What does a line of best fit tell you about data on scatterplot?

It tells you that if there were a linear relationship between the two variables, what that relationship would look like and also how much the observations differed from that linear fit.

What is algeraba?

Algebrais a branch of mathematics that uses mathematical statements to describe relationships between things that vary over time. These variables include things like the relationship between supply of an object and its price. When we use a mathematical statement to describe a relationship, we often use letters to represent the quantity that varies, since it is not a fixed amount. These letters and symbols are referred to as variables.

What does y-x-2 look like on a graph?

You could not graph (y-x-2) because it has no equal sign in it. In order to graph an equation, there must be a value that the numbers and variables are equal to. (e.g. y=2x+3)

What is a quadratic relationship?

A quadratic relationship is a mathematical relationship that can be expressed by a quadratic formula in which the highest exponent is two (i.e., x squared). On a graph, this relationship will look like a parabola.

Can the function Qd equals -30p plus 0.5y plus 2Pr plus 4T be graph?

Since the function depends on 4 variables (assuming that p and P are the same variable), the full graph would require 5 dimensions. You can, however, graph something like a cross-section for the graph, in the sense that you keep most of the variables constant, and study the dependency of the function on a single variable at a time.