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Q: What does a intersecting line look like?
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What does intersecting lines look like?

An intersecting line looks like their hugging with is crossing

What do a intersecting line look like?

+ Intersecting lines go through each other to form something that might look like an x or a +. The key to knowing what an intersecting line is, is to know that they are touching and they go through each other.

What does an intersecting line look like?

two lines that cross

What do intersecting lines look like?

the look like an X

What is a line segment that is intersecting another line segment or line?

intersecting lines

What do 3 planes that intersect in one line look like?

Two planes intersecting could look like an X and then a third one could go right down the middle.

What is the difference of a intersecting line and a perpendicular line for second grade?

intersecting lines are going on top of each other like this: + perpendicular lines go like this: X parallel lines go like this: =

What are two line line segments that are not parallel?

two line segments that are not parallel are intersecting even if they don't touch like this /l / l they are considered intersecting because you must extend it like they are lines to say they are parallel or not

What are intersecting line segments?

an intersecting line segment is when two line segments cross together

Is a cross a intersecting line or a parallel line?

A cross is a pair of intersecting lines.

What do 2 intersecting lines look like?

it looks like a x

Can a perpendicular line be a intersecting line?

Yes. Perpendicular lines are intersecting lines, but they have right angles.