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The approximate time of the day, based on the position of the sun.

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Q: What does a sun dial show?
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How time was measured in ancien?

a sun dial which used a show to tell the time

What is a Nuremberg Sun dial?

a protable sun dial

When was Sun Dial created?

Sun Dial was created in 1990.

What is the plural of sun-dial?

The plural of sun-dial is sun-dials.

Was the sun dial an early temperature thermometer?

No. The sun dial was an early device to help tell time.

How do you use pyramids from ancient times today?

the pyramids were used as a sun dial to show the alignement and the shadow for the next eclipse

How Can you tell time by sun?

You can use a sun dial.

What tool was used to worship the sun god?

a sun dial

What are the release dates for The Message of the Sun Dial - 1914?

The Message of the Sun Dial - 1914 was released on: USA: 20 January 1914

What did a Viking's sun dial look like?

Viking sun compasses are round and have the shape of a sun dial. They are made of wood. Gnomic etchings indicate the sun's position at various times of the day.

What is a sun dial?

A sundial is a device that measures time by the position of the Sun

When was the first sun dial made?

it is zainab