Classify the figure means to tell what the figure is called or what it's proper name is.
classify means be more specific
It is an upper case character of the Roman alphabet consisting of three straight lines.
An equilateral figure means that the figure has all sides that are the same length.
It means you should get a dictionary and figure it out yourself. :)
to tell what the angle is
classify means be more specific
to classify means to put things into groups
CLASSIFY!classify in math means that you just have toexplain your answer. and its just like all you have to do is answer the question because that's all classify means you just have toexplain your answer in a better way.
classic tour mean
what does ut mean to classify animals
It is an upper case character of the Roman alphabet consisting of three straight lines.
its a science word
Grrr i need help to know what does it mean to classify a real number and how you do it i have hw due tommorow
No, the words classify and name do NOT mean the same thing. Classify Verb To arrange or organize by classes - or according to class. Name Noun Something by which an object, creature, person or emotion can be called. What you are recognized by, and what others call you.
What do you mean by that something?