The independant is the thing you are changing and the dependant is the measure
relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc. -all from the brain;)
Do you mean a "dependent clause"?In English grammar, it is a portion of a sentence that has a subject and a predicate but cannot stand on its own as a sentence.For example, "The man who commited the crime was arrested by the police.""Who committed the crime" is a dependent clause. It acts as a modifier of the word "man.""The man was arrested because he committed a crime." Here "because he committed a crime" is another dependent clause.
The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.
the dependent variable are the things that stay the same
Only if they are financially dependent on you.
To make them financially dependent on him
dependent mean dependent othewise not dependent
NHow many people you are supporting (financially) e.g. children in your house
The couple was experiencing a financial hardship after both were laid off from their jobs and as such, they were concerned about not being able to afford their son's college tuition.
the fact that he remained financially dependent on his brother Theo during his entire life.
What does it mean to be dependent on the happiness of another?
A person that is financially supported by another person, usually a parent or guardian. A person must pay for over 50% of another persons living expenses, in order for that person to be claimed as a dependent.
You can only claim a roommate as a dependant if the roommate really is financially dependant on you. That would mean that you are providing more than half the room mate's financial support and no one else is claiming the room mate as a dependant.
No, dependent means to rely on or be influenced by something else. It does not mean to replace.
dependent cell that can only grow with a substratum
It means that changes in the value of the independent affects the value of the dependent but not the other way around.