i think it means good luck youll have a very nice life or means your cursed idk im not a fortune teller i hav four lines on my pinki to nd idk im just scared but i think its good anty budy dats has four lines on your pinki tlk to me on aim margiec1998 good luck fr u ppl out der like me
it has 4 lines of symmetry
A shape with 4 straight lines in which there are 2 parallel and 2 unparallel lines is called a Trapezium.
4 (1 horizontal: left to right, 1 vertical: up and down and 2 diagonal)
means of 281
In "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" when showing pinkie's flash back of her younger, seeing Pinkie's family, there are two sisters she has. In season 4, in the episode "Pinkie Pride" she looks at a picture when singing a song that shows a third sister. It could be a mistake, or that the show was forshadowing an upcoming episode of the same season called "Maud Pie" where we meet one of Pinkie's sister named "Maud," and shows to be the complete opposite of Pinkie.
If you mean the letter x, it has four lines of symmetry.
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic - 2010 Pinkie Pride 4-12 was released on: USA: 1 February 2014
the pinkie is not the smallest
Your pinkie Is the smallest finger on your hand
A "clerihew is a poem with 4 lines,about a person,first two lines rhyme,second two lines rhyme,and they are funny.
5, but these can be extended above and below the stave.
Pinkie Brown was created in 1938.
Pinkie Road was created in 2009.
In Chinese culture, the pinkie finger can symbolize a close bond or promise, as it may be used in a gesture to show trust or agreement between friends. It can also represent wealth and success in traditional Chinese palmistry, where the length and shape of the pinkie finger may suggest certain personality traits.
If you mean (-6, -4) and (-4, 8) then the slope of the line is 6