What a number is raised to. Three (the base) to the third power = 33 = 3*3*3
The power or the exponent tells us how many times the base takes place in a repeated multiplication.
degree is the power of variable.. in polynomial it is the highest power of the variable, in differential equations it is the highest derivative, etc..
HL in math mean hypotenuse leg
hello.what is sliding in math and give me a full answer
What is mean by acting
The word power is another word for exponents
the power of 10 mean 10 100 1,000 100,000 the power of 10 mean 10 100 1,000 100,000
It is the square: the variable multiplied by itself.
the meaning of power in math is there are no rules in math
That means that powers are used in which the base is 10. It is also implied that the exponent is an integer.
The tenth power in math is 100
it is the total (estimated) area of the universe, measured in either kilometers or meters
In computer Math, Giga is 2 raised to power of 30 bytes.
If you mean the symbol of a triangle, in math and science a triangle stands for change in
sigma thita alpha bita gama root square
power factor is the cosine of the angular difference between current and voltage and must be taken into account to get true power (watts)
power in a math term is when you multiply the exponents