A paddock is a set that satisfies the 4 addition axioms, 4 multiplication axioms and the distributive law of multiplication and addition but instead of 0 not being equal to 1, 0 equals 1. Where 0 is the additive identity and 1 is the multiplicative identity.
The only example that comes to mind is the set of just 0 (or 1, which in this case equals 0).
Domain is the independent variable in an equation. It is what you put "in" the equation to get the Range.
HL in math mean hypotenuse leg
hello.what is sliding in math and give me a full answer
a female sheep.
My horses are out the back in the paddock
the American word for paddock would be corral or pen. larger grass enclosures are called pastures.
what does key mean in math
To "put a horse to paddock" is either to retire him, and let him/her live a calm, restful rest of a life. Or it could simply mean to let them out into a paddock or grassy field to graze or relax.
A puddock can mean a small enclosure for animals (paddock) or a frog like amphibian.
I do not know of such a word related to math(s)
There is no such math word, so it does not mean anything. You may wish to check your spelling before posting questions!