a unit of measure equal to half of a pint
It means Centimeter- it's a unit of measure, like on a ruler.
bar modeling is math
it is a unit.
In mathematics, "how long" typically refers to the measurement of the duration or length of an object, distance, or time interval. It is often associated with units of measurement such as inches, feet, meters, minutes, hours, etc. When solving problems involving "how long," it is important to accurately determine the appropriate unit of measurement and apply the relevant mathematical operations to find the desired length or duration.
One, single, multiplicative identity.
Ha is the abbreviation for hectare. hectare is a unit of measurement.
There are twelve edges on a cube. If you mean the vertices (the corners), then there are 8.
The answer is a unit cube.
It could mean a cube tat has been cut into a half so that it is a cuboid. Or, it could mean a cube, each of whose sides is half a unit.
unit x unit = square units
It is a unit cube.
A rate that has 1 unit as it's second term -Ex-5lbs at $1.45 per lb.(price per pound would stay same regardless of how many you buy). UNIT RATE
A unit cube.
a unit of linear measure
a liter means a unit of volume